Cutting edge tech people help me out

Yogi Bear

Veteran X
I'm going on a trip in less than a month and I need to be able to check my email while on the road or in my hotel. I don't have a laptop either. Web browsing would be a plus.

I don't care what kind of device it is really, I'd like something inexpensive since I'm building a house and paying for this trip.
Cell phone internet access for $3 a month? It takes a horribly long time to type stuff in, but it can be done. ;) A palmtop or anything is gonna run you at least $150 or so.
web-enabled cell phone? cell phone/pda?

Go get an old used laptop for a couple hundred and wireless service through a cell company. Maybe $400 tops for unlimited dl'ing.
WeNdeL said:
if his shit isn't web-based he would have to configure a client on every machine he sits at... I doubt this is allowed...
he could just forward his email to a web based account like yahoo

although he prly wants more flexibility.
no, cause he said "Need to check email on the road or in the hotel"

they have a text email to speech service somewhere.. so you can have it read to you
Hmm, maybe forwarding it to my cell phone would be the way to go. I just don't want to get inundated with messages. If I didn't need $10k before November I'd just buy a new laptop.

Thanks for all the great suggestions.
Was just at Disney last week. They have pay phones that have a tv screen, with a keyboard underneath. They let you browse the web and check e-mail. Didn't do it, or see anyone using them. I think it let's you send e-mail, but not receive since you'd need to be logged into your ISP to do that.

The other option is to find out where the local libraries are located, in the city you are visiting. That would probably be free, just have to wait for a terminal to become available. See kids playing games on them all the time at my local library.

My dad has his mail forwarded to a Yahoo account, so he can check it from a browser.

So what city are you visiting?
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Skibbi9 said:
yeah, but if his trip is to montana he's screwed.
Very true. But one thing I noticed was that there were more internet cafes in poorer cities than in the larger/richer cities. Draw your own conclusions.
NoGodForMe said:
The other option is to find out where the local libraries are located, in the city you are visiting. That would probably be free.

I am cheapsk8 - this ^^ is my version of "remote e-mail access"..

Can't beat the price or the airconditioning-sapping homeless peeps.