Crysis Tribes mod: Rise

This is a heavy:

This franchise was fucked by the 3 different directions Tribes took. The small community divided over every fucking feature.

Deathmatching/CTF with armor to armor combat is so fucking 10 years ago. But heh, I'm sure there's a whole 400 people that will LOVE a game like that.

I'm sure I would too... for like a week, then realize oh hey, I did this 10 years ago.

Vehicles can be done right. Deployables can be done right. Options and features can be done right. There's no reason to exclude things simply because they did not work in a previous game.

Epack, spinfusor, chain and nade, while running/chasing a flag gets old.

Like a said a few pages back, a mod built on nostalgia. Everyone will come in here and hump eachother over their favorite feature of their favorite Tribes game, in the end, it'll end up the same game we've all played.

You can have similar features, but if you make it the "same" it's gonna not only be boring for us as veteran Tribes players, it's going to be fucking bland for anyone new looking to try it out.

Fuck nuts like you say this every time a new Tribes like game comes out. Every time the devs try adding new shit and in the end they end up with exactly that, a pile of shit.