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I read this joke in an Estrucan tomb:

It's right next to this sweet diagram.

;) mine was older....
I wonder if you can join the French Foreign Legion, have your named changed outside the country, get French citizenship, then reenter the US and not have any paper trail holding your responsible for payment.
How? Why are people saying this?

perhaps because a more appropriate adult response would have been to cut the bullshit and approach her immediately with the information once it became known she was lying instead of putting her in the hot seat a while later.
perhaps because a more appropriate adult response would have been to cut the bullshit and approach her immediately with the information once it became known she was lying instead of putting her in the hot seat a while later.

I think the build up for the final "fuck you" is both appropriate and morally sound.

I would also say the same if the man had waited to do it in the dilivery room after the baby was born.
Urban legend, has been debunked 100 times.

I call bullshit that this has never happened before, because I know American women these days, and they are mostly liar slutbag whores that think they are clever. If it's been debunked so many times, I guarantee you it's because a woman is trying to deny it ever happened and to get the story out of the mainstream so men won't get any ideas.
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:rofl: Good idea, good read, new to me if it is infact OFN. :cheers: Bet that bitch felt dumber than a box of rocks.
There's actually a story behind that picture of the tomb. They talked about in on the history channel. The ho was actually a leader in Rome. She had her husband killed, then slept around.

Workers made that picture to show what she really was, a slut.