Could US DOJ sieze TW?

What a stupid hippie. Making stuff up to whine about is completly assfucked.
WarBucket - The place to go for humor and fun in the WarCraft universe...besides this site, naturally. WarBucket features amazingly skewed theBucket comic strip - written by toNt and drawn by DRLEGO - which is updated every M, W, and F. Funny stuff. Additionally, you will find up-to-date news and a rollicking forum scene.

Classic TFT Beta Test Moment
Posted by ScreaminSemen on Monday, March 10 @ 15:07:48 PST (9 reads)

K all...
This has to be the hardest I have laughed in a while...

Head on over to and scroll down to DRLEGO's 'Ugh... my cranium...' post...

Read the caption and then continue to the Corresponding forum to see what I'm ROFLMAO about...

Absolutely Classic...

DRLEGO! We salute you!


Tarek Alyusuf, a.k.a "DRLEGO," is the prime subject in an ongoing investigation by the United States Department of Justice and the United States Department of Homeland Security as of midnight, March 18th, 2003 for the apparent and malicious desecration of recognized national symbols. Alyusuf and his accomplices (commonly referred to as "the Warbucket staff") used as a venue for spreading anti-American sentiments to thousands worldwide. Such violations include, but are not limited to: written commentary suggesting condemnation of actions by the United States, cartoon strips satirizing the nation's role in foreign affairs, and improper display of the American flag.
"Rebellion" Begins [BW]
The "Rebellion" Tourney brackets are full and competition starts immediately! [TA]SlayerJu is a regular in the field and should get in touch with his opponent by email to schedule a match. Visit the Rebellion site for details. Alternates, if needed, will be contacted via email by tournament organizers; [TA]BlitzKrieg is the top alternate and will likely see action. The brackets include DrLego of SimpleCraft, eVERLAST of Clan [9] and many other top players. --Ramius
#33 DRLEGO 4/22/2002 06:01PM PST

What a complete bull shit article. I can't believe most Americans. If its on paper, they believe it. This is dismissed as propaganda. Nothing more.


The Jerusalem Post reports that a group of 113 Saudi Arabian “intellectuals” (yes, those are mockery quotes), including prominent writers for Saudi newspapers, has issued a statement:

"We consider the United States and the current American administration the nurturer of international terrorism with distinction and it, along with Israel, form the axis of terrorism and evil in the world," said the statement.

The statement said Arab governments should take "serious and responsible steps ... and apply all means of pressure on the American administration to make it feel that its huge interests in the Arab region are threatened."

It said failure to do so will lead to "national disasters that will include everyone."

Among the signatories were a writer for the widely respected Al-Hayat and a former undersecretary of the Saudi Interior Ministry.
They called for boycotts and economic sanctions against the US.

As I think I’ve said before—bring it on, oil ticks. I really hope they do something blindingly schtoopid like this, because then everything will be out in the open ... as it should be. They hate us, they are our enemies, they’ve ruined their world, and now they want to ruin ours. After reporting on their noxious garbage for the 7 months since 15 Saudi Arabians destroyed the World Trade Center, I have two simple American words for Saudis who think the US is evil: Fuck You.

posted by charles at 4:34 PM PST
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Monday, September 25
It's launched..
By oh

Well, I think I may as well do a plug, seeing as this is for one of the sites who's IRC channel I idle in all day long.

The latest brainchild of DRLEGO of simple.craft fame.


Bi-Daily comic strip.
The way it works is, if the DOJ does take over a website, they first send a court order to the Domain Registrar forcing them to point the domain to a DOJ server. After a few days the DNS change will direct everyone to a page that looks a lot like what has right now (minus the logo)

At the same time, they get a warrant and seize the servers at the hosting provider, which basically means they just change locks on the cage. I suppose there are situations where they would shut down the servers right away, but usually they keep them up to see who's visiting them.
Tags on the DOJ page say:

meta name="Author" content="JMD Library Staff"> says:

After the creation of the Department of Homeland Security, new charters were passed by congress insuring the safety of the nation through prosecution of individuals deemed unpatriotic through negative opinions towards the American cause. Alyusuf has been under careful watch by the Federal Bureau of Investigation for some time in regards to his ties to the middle east and possible contacts with terrorist cells in Saudi Arabia. After witnessing several violations of regulations set by the Homeland Security charter, the FBI has turned the case over to the Department of Justice. This investgation is being conducted under federal mandate in accordance with the new charters.

Ok as an American citizen, that is the biggest crock of crap ever. Thats infringing on freedom of speech in my mind. I don't like people who bash the U.S., but they have a right to. That's what this country was all about if I remember correctly, the freedom to say what you believe. Oh well, looks like all good things come to an end.
Slant_This said:
The IP of the servers are not similar, like they were for isonews. I checked and

Good point, let's not believe everything we read on the internet.

Will see if they release a statement though.
Slant_This said:
Good point, let's not believe everything we read on the internet.
Slant_This said:
Good point, let's not believe everything we read on the internet.
Slant_This said:
Good point, let's not believe everything we read on the internet.
Slant_This said:
Good point, let's not believe everything we read on the internet.
Slant_This said:
Good point, let's not believe everything we read on the internet.

Hello asshats, you should be better at spotting satire than this!