Core Duo processors..


Veteran XX
I'm just about to install an E6750, and I'm wondering if I should go out and grab some third party thermal paste? I hear the thermal pad stuff that's stuck to the bottom of the stock fan is pretty shitty... I'm guessing you can scrape the shit off and apply your own?
Stock thermal pad is fine. I suggest not wasting your money on thermal paste, unless if you're overclocking and think having your cpu 2 degrees cooler will make a difference.
Arctic Silver for the win, I always keep a tube of it lying around.

Think I still have half a tube left somewhere.
Man I have like 5 arctic silver tubes around the room I think... I have to clean my proc heatsink like every other month from my smoke and always need it
Yes, you can scrape it off with some sort of paper. I don't remember what it's called.
The easiest way is to get some cotton balls and rubbing alcohol. Be careful not to get any on your pins or mobo, thermal paste has some awesome conductive properties.

Also be sure to follow the instructions for application very carefully. If you gob it on it'll do more harm than good.
Would I be a more intelligent person if I had Pokemon in my signature and changed my name to one of their powers?
my last computer ran at like 60C for four years in dusty ol Phoenix without an issue. I am in the "what a waste of money you OCD toolbag" camp when it comes to third party thermal paste.
It will drop your temps about 3-4 degrees but Core 2 duo's run 'cool' anyway. Make sure you don't scratch the heatsink and you remove the thermal pad completely and wipe the heatsink down with a high alcohol solution before applying thermal paste.