cool/fun gadgets you own - pic. version






Imposter said:
Does CF have some weird fetish to explain what you're wearing while making cookies? Or maybe it's your fetish...

That's my fault. When I opened the press, I decided it looked like a futuristic ray gun or something and started making the bew, bew noise while pointing it at people.

Then I decided I ought to have pictures of me doing the spy girl thing. :shrug: It seemed like a good idea at the time.
MaRaNtZ said:
aestis i gotta hear your setup next time i drive thru austin.

I just got the spikes for the bottom and positioned the speakers around... my new place has much better acoustics so it's a nice upgrade... I have 1 set of cables that needs an upgrade but other than that it's basically done
Aestis said:
2000 dollar hybrid electrostatic speaker != cheese grater

For 2grand there better be a fucking orchestra composed of itty bitty people playing inside it.

For 2grand it better double as a cheese grater.
Imposter said:
For 2grand there better be a fucking orchestra composed of itty bitty people playing inside it.

For 2grand it better double as a cheese grater.

2 grand isn't much for good speakers...