conversations with rock stars/famous people

My sister is getting married next year... and her fiance's cousin married Charles in Charge... aka Chachi aka Scott Baio. He's on the invite list... so I plan on having a talk with him.. specifically i'd like to ask him for Nicole Eggert's number. She's pretty much a has been, but is still hot as hell, i think i wanna try pullin it.. even if she's married. :)
David Cross in the U. District of Seattle before a performance at UW. Didn't have much time to talk. He was pretty quiet and humble.
Oh, I met the bassist from Seether, and I shook hands with the lead singer and bassist from the Toadies. Forgot about those..
I was in the Dan McGuiness Irish pub here in Memphis one night. I had just came from the Memphis in May Music Festival after leaving halfway through a Black Crowes set. The Black Crowes had gone on 30 minutes late due to Billy I dol running long. At the end of Billy Idol's set he yelled to the audience : "Hey! I'm Billy fucking Idol!" and spit water all over the front row. What a jerk, I know. Anyway, I had just ordered potato skins and a beer when I noticed that lo and behold Billy fucking Idol was sitting across the resturaunt at me, not only that but he was sharing the company of Memphis's shame Lisa Marie Presley. My friend and I finished our meal, and as we were leaving I said to John (my friend), "Watch this"

I passed by the bar, right up to Billy Idol's table, set my empty beer bottle down on his table, and said "Guess what?".

Billy Idol said to me: "What?" ,but it was that shitty British accent of his it came out "wha?"

To which I replied: "I'm Billy Fucking Idol!". I then bolted out of the resturaunt laughing my head off. Billy was just looking with that "What the fuck?" expression on his face.

It was my finest hour.
i got an autograph and picture with clinton, and i got the same thing and i got to shot the shit with John McCain too.
ZurN said:
Went to an archery shop one time to get some stuff for target shooting. Had my wife with me. Picked up what I needed, went up to the counter to pay for it. The clerk at the counter was busy listening to some long haired freak talking about hunting buffalo with a bow. The dude finished his story and rang up the stuff I bought. We went out to the car and my wife, now ex, was just steaming mad that the clerk would rather listen to the story the hippie guy was telling then wait on a paying customer.

That is when I broke the news to her that the hairy freak was Ted Nuggent. I had met him the summer before when I was head of security at the State Game Lodge in Custer State Park. This was the visit he went on the buffalo hunt that he was talking about in the store. :rofl:

Ted is cool shit

ha, I forgot you were in SD. That makes me sad that he was in even the state, fucking freak :|
i talked to juan dixon, met antawn jamison and steve blake of washington wizzards fame?

juan dixon lives in baltimore,md and pays like 500/mo to cingular.

jamisons house is still in nc.
SuperSniperX said:
My sister is getting married next year... and her fiance's cousin married Charles in Charge... aka Chachi aka Scott Baio. He's on the invite list... so I plan on having a talk with him.. specifically i'd like to ask him for Nicole Eggert's number. She's pretty much a has been, but is still hot as hell, i think i wanna try pullin it.. even if she's married. :)
she was hot until she got gigantic fake boobies
LostDuck said:

I bought Kato Kaelin a beer at a Los Angeles bar one time. It was about 6 months after the OJ trial. Talked to him for just a few minutes about how he got the raw end of the publicity stick (don't ask wtf was going on in my screwed up mind)

To this day I consider this one of the...if not THE stupidest things I have ever done in my life. Buying that freeloader a beer. I was drunk but g-damnit thats not a good enough of an excuse for that level of stupidity. Stupid...stupid...stupid! :banging:

if it wasn't for my horse, I never would have spent that year at College.

That being said... I had about a 15 minute comversation with the wrestler Booker T.
I hung out with the Unicorns once after a concert.

Yeah, no one's heard of them, and they broke up anyway, but still...
SweetbabyJ said:
I'm a celeb magnet...

And I did a shot with Andre the Giant :eek:

my fav by far.

When I was an extra on Mighty Ducks 2 as a little kid my mom introduced me to Emilio Estevez, was very nice and took pictures with us.

Got to chat a little bit with Kevin McHale when I cadied for a golf partner of his, kind of a weird guy but an amazing basketball player none the less.

2 years ago I met that horrible female stand-up comedian, the one that talks like a baby on stage. Was working in a pet-store (sweet job) and asked her if she needed something, about killed myself when she started talking. Sounded exactly the same as her idiotic standup.

edit: name is maria bamford

Wish I had better stories, and I would love to meet Neil Patrick Harris because he seems so odd he would be entertaining.
I went to see tool years ago here in denver. I went to work the next day at this bagle shop and maynard came in and ordered a strawberry bagle, I asked him "did you goto the tool concert last night?".
I went to school with Aussie rugby union player Stirling Mortlock

Was in a few classes and played basketball with him (like.. organised, school stuff). Wasn't at all famous then though. Funny guy.