Coming off the nightshift, suggestions for staying awake?


Veteran XX
Got off at 6am after a seven day night shift. I'm trying to stay awake so I can go to bed at a normal hour.
It's currently 3pm local time and I'm feeling it, the coffee isn't doing much anymore. Suggest something awesome to keep me awake/sane for at least 6 hours.
Detail the car until you pass out. FPS is the other thing that would keep you awake. People have played CS:S for days straight, croaking in their chair.
just stay awake till around 6pm then lay down and sleep. You should be tired enough to sleep till 4 or 5am. The next day you should be back on your normal schedule.
Still awake, 9PM, but going to bed I think. I'm not really tired anymore just really hazy. I did some push ups and took a cold shower earlier. A few more cups of coffee as well.