classical music..... what's essential?

Vivaldi - Four Seasons
Bach - Brandenburgh Concertos

Edit: whoops, thinking one thing, reading something else.
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there's always: mozart, beethoven, bach, Tchaikovsky, Vivaldi, Wagner, etc.

I like (in order from best:) Sibelius, Chopin, Handel

others: Coplan, Gershwin (newer) , Rossini (william tell overture) , Bernstein, Hadyn, etc.
You guys ever hear the ...... man i dunno whwat it is ..
but it's like just GUITARS

like 20 guitars.. or even WAY more :eek:

it's REALLY kewl..
Anguish said:
You guys ever hear the ...... man i dunno whwat it is ..
but it's like just GUITARS

like 20 guitars.. or even WAY more :eek:

it's REALLY kewl..

Couple of things come to mind:

Robert Fripp's "League of Crafty Guitarists" had a bunch of his students (16, I believe) and they did a version of Bach's prelude in C from "The well-tempered clavier", where everyone plays a consecutive single note of the melody in a circle and tries to maintain the phrasing, evenness and voice leading as a unit.

Steve Reich's "Different Trains"
This is minimalist work, and the actual album features, I think, just Pat Metheny playing all the parts to a long phase-oriented pattern piece.

not sure what else you'd be thinking of, other than perhaps arrangements, (or something I've never heard of, of course). Most of the classical composers who didn't write specifically for solo guitar didn't write much or any guitar literature at all...