[Classical music TWers] What would you recommend?


Veteran XV
Classical Twers,

I've recently been getting my hands on as much classical music as possible but it's gotten to the point where I don't know what else to get. Any suggestions?

I've gotten a few of the better known composers (Mozart, Beethoven etc.) as well as a few other compilation albums (E.g. Dies Irae), however anything you recommend should be good.

Here's a few very famous classical pieces for anyone who clicks on this thread's enjoyment!

Cheers guys.
What sort of classical do you enjoy right now?

Piano? Violins? Orchestra?

Melancholy? Upbeat?
Going through Holst "The planets" now on youtube, currently on venus atm. Seems pretty good to me, exactly the sort of stuff I was looking for.
+ rep
trois gymnopedies
prelude to the afternoon
das lied von der erde

skype me, i've got a shit ton i can give you = orestis.sinis
trois gymnopedies
prelude to the afternoon
das lied von der erde

skype me, i've got a shit ton i can give you = orestis.sinis

Cheers, I'll add you on skype in a minute.

Thank you everyone for suggestions, I have a lot of downloading to do!