Cities maped by race.

animo have you been to africa? ive been to morocco, but thats not exactly the stereotypical 'africa' that ppl think of. i hear zambia is really nice. i'd love to visit the ethiopian highlands. i plan to stay away from liberia and other places with unstable governments.

yes, and yes i've been to morocco too, although sarahan africa is arabic
eggi... consider sexual selection alone:

in a culture of intellectualism, such as korea or japan. couples will bond primarily based on that attribute. the black populations tend to lack this culture... and sometimes celebrate the opposite.

given the fact that intelligence is heritable what do you think happens to each population over X generations?
because you suggested hybrids are an exception, when they are not.

human breeds are on that gradual path of divergence toward speciation and lower interracial birth rates are evidence of this.

though that path, since the industrial revolution, is slowly redirecting back toward a path of convergence due to increasingly accessible transportation. millenia from now there will be one single race.

the hybrids are the exception to the rule that species arent' generally able to breed together. aka when absent fucks a sheep he doesnt have to worry about creating a sheep-man hybrid.

and yes, you could argue that any isolated group is on the gradual path toward speciation.

and yes, i agree that millenia from now there will be one single race assuming the mobility of our species remains at least where it is today.

eggi... consider sexual selection alone:

in a culture of intellectualism, such as korea or japan. couples will bond primarily based on that attribute. the black populations tend to lack this culture... and sometimes celebrate the opposite.

given the fact that intelligence is heritable what do you think happens to each population over X generations?

a) evidence? and how long has that culture persisted? even then the claim is dubious since people in industrialized countries with modern education systems are more interested in career success and education than pure "intellect". Are you saying that if you have a 130iq but work at mcdonalds (however unlikely that is, since higher iq relates to higher income), that you'd be more desireable than a 110iq trust fund baby who works at the yacht club?

b) see my argument that points to environment and upbringing playing a bigger role in intelligence than genetics. see wiki page on intelligence and race studies.
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hybrids are not an exception because the whole notion of species isn't fixed. meaning that even cat can fuck a dog to produce offspring, but the odds are incredibly low.

so "species" is really just defined by a threshold of birth success rate between the two populations. what is that threshold? some arbitrary number (say 5%) chosen by taxonomists.

also, hybrids aren't always sterile.
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Why all the talk of the conditions in Africa? If Africa wasn't full of niggers the whiteman would have dammed up the Congo and the Nile and settled it long ago....

Though if you take a black person at birth and put them in a white family(away from other blacks)they will grow up to be a productive member of society.

But blacks around other blacks they are just niggers. You go in the gettos and they can barely speak english. Even after generations of education they fail to crawl out of the jungle.
see my argument that points to environment and upbringing playing a bigger role in intelligence than genetics. see wiki page on intelligence and race studies.

nurture may be more significant, but nature is still a factor.
also, hybrids aren't always sterile.

yes i specifically mentioned this

hybrids are not an exception because the whole notion of species isn't fixed. meaning that even cat can fuck a dog to produce offspring, but the odds are incredibly low.

so "species" is really just defined by a threshold of birth success rate between the two populations. what is that threshold? some arbitrary number (say 5%) chosen by taxonomists.

sure, i could fuck a protozoa and maybe produce an offspring. :cheers:

obviously in evolution the lines are blurred which is why speciation generally refers to animals that can't reproduce with one another (for instances horses have 64 chromosomes and donkeys have 62. mules are normally sterile and end up with 63). that is the generally accepted line.

i really dont know what you are arguing. you're just dancing around a point i already made or agreed with :shrug:
im just trying to make realize that breeds/races are on that path of divergence that leads to speciation such that theyre already different enough that interbred/interracial birth complications begin to rise (you seem to accept this).

and that many proven studies have shown distinct differences in intelligence in breeds among other species (not human)

and that humans are just another species of animal, and not an exception to the above (you seem to refuse to accept this)

you just wont see these studies for humans for long, due to what the PC police does to the researchers involved.
im just trying to make realize that breeds/races are on that path of divergence that leads to speciation such that theyre already different enough that interbred/interracial birth complications begin to rise (you seem to accept this).

and that many proven studies have shown distinct differences in intelligence in breeds among other species (not human)

that was never in argument. you could call any genetic drift or genetic grouping 'path of divergence towards speciation'

and that humans are just another species of animal, and not an exception to the above (you seem to refuse to accept this)

you just wont see these studies for humans for long, due to what the PC police does to the researchers involved.

just because its a possibility, doesnt make it so. i've already pointed out my rationale behind it. you can blame the PC police for handicapping researchers, but until there is a definitive study i have no reason to believe there is any significant difference. and like i said, even if the current publications on intelligence did specifically relate to only differences in genetic groupings, its clear that is not as big of a factor as environment (upbringing, nutrition, etc) and the results would be meaningless unless you believe in eugenics :lies: and then all white ppl would have to stop breeding because asians would be superior

also, trying to tie intelligence to the success of european and asian nations is ridiculous considering any difference in intelligence between races would have existed for tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of years and the rise of european nations only happened in the last 1000 years. Germanic peoples were still tribal in 1000bc (and again after the fall of rome for a few hundred years) and while the bronze age came later in africa by a few hundred years, there were already significant kingdoms and cultures in existence. Huge empires were created in north america by the savage natives. Advances are seen by all kinds of different races and cultures. Advanced astronomy and mathematics by the Mayans. Algebra by the dirty camel humpers in Arabia. Gunpowder by the Chinese. Domestication of cattle by the Egyptians. etc, etc. And because in the last 1K years european countries have excelled you are going to conclude its because of genetics? you are retarded. The question of what allows a culture to develop and excel is interesting, but arguing genetic differences have anything to do with it is preposterous.
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ok, if you think "genetic differences" is such a dirty word... roll with natural selection, which has everything to do with it. you also have to consider that the social environment has to come from somewhere, it doesnt just magically appear.