Christmas Tree

its a 11 million and they cant put up a decent fucking pic.. what the shit

Here you go

"Since Muslims fast during daylight hours, restaurants are, by law, closed during the day. It is also against the law to eat or drink anything, even water, in public and tourists (and non-Muslim residents) have been arrested and given fines."


You're aware that that time of year is over right?
This business/accounting nuance should be noted, however. While the tree and its ornaments may be valued at $11 million, the hotel is not spending $11 million on a single tree. The $11 million worth of jewelry will not be consumed at the end of the year when they put the tree up; they'll still have their $11 million worth of jewelry.

You are so God-damned smart. I'll bet your parents are really fucking proud of you.
Dude dude dude...

Are you seriously bragging about a fucking Christmas tree? Your life is so pathetic than you need to justify your country having a Christmas tree?

For real man?