Christians hate the poor and the environment

To think that a self-righteous, racist fuck like yourself has any business pointing fingers at anyone, is just laughable. If someone, anyone ever comes up with the logs of you spouting jesus rhetoric, calling everybody stupid that disagrees, one thread after another, you would leave this place.

I didn't/don't care enough about you to log anything, but I remember how you were. The only reason I respond to your endless bullshit is that watching you grow up in such a twisted and sick way, is entertaining to me.
You're an idiot with a computer. Deal with that before worrying about other things.

Hah, you really are clueless, it's funny.
For all the 'Christians' that run their mouths and protest, there are more [Christians] that don't say a word and practice what they believe.

However you are too stupid to differentiate between the fundamental elements of a religion and the radicals that appear to represent it.
You're such a fucking tool, orbital.

By the way, did you hate the poor and the environment a couple of years ago when you were defending the fundamentalist Christian philosophy? Just curious as to where your hypocrisy ends.
You're such a fucking tool, orbital.

By the way, did you hate the poor and the environment a couple of years ago when you were defending the fundamentalist Christian philosophy? Just curious as to where your hypocrisy ends.

You're the fucking tool Logroller. You constantly act like a fucking ass on here and then act all pretentious the next second when others do the same shit. I honestly don't give a fuck what you think of me or how I act on here, I enjoy what I do and I do it well.

As for my so called christian beliefs, I don't feel the need to answer that question because it would be a waste of time because you don't honestly give a fuck and neither do I.
You're the fucking tool Logroller. You constantly act like a fucking ass on here and then act all pretentious the next second when others do the same shit. I honestly don't give a fuck what you think of me or how I act on here, I enjoy what I do and I do it well.

As for my so called christian beliefs, I don't feel the need to answer that question because it would be a waste of time because you don't honestly give a fuck and neither do I.

Translation: "I'm a big fat faggot hypocrite and you busted me, so I'm going to stick my fingers in my ears and pretend you don't exist. LA LA LA LA LA!"
You're the fucking tool Logroller. You constantly act like a fucking ass on here and then act all pretentious the next second when others do the same shit. I honestly don't give a fuck what you think of me or how I act on here, I enjoy what I do and I do it well.

As for my so called christian beliefs, I don't feel the need to answer that question because it would be a waste of time because you don't honestly give a fuck and neither do I.
You just owned yourself harder than anyone could ever own you.

Congrats Loggy, for inducing such a self-destructive reaction.
Orbital? What have you done to support the poor or the enviroment? If you arent currently actively doing work to protect those subject then you must hate the subject matter right? I mean thats your logic leap, not mine
Syracuse Professor Arthur C. Brooks's recent book Who Really Cares: The Surprising Truth About Compassionate Conservatism says quite the opposite....Christian Conservatives are markedly more charitable than their secular counterparts.

Syracuse Professor > Basement Dwelling Canadian Virgin
To think that a self-righteous, racist fuck like yourself has any business pointing fingers at anyone, is just laughable. If someone, anyone ever comes up with the logs of you spouting jesus rhetoric, calling everybody stupid that disagrees, one thread after another, you would leave this place.

I didn't/don't care enough about you to log anything, but I remember how you were. The only reason I respond to your endless bullshit is that watching you grow up in such a twisted and sick way, is entertaining to me.
You're an idiot with a computer. Deal with that before worrying about other things.

:rofl: Your post is a work of art.
You're the fucking tool Logroller.

I'll be going to dinner on that one.
"I know you are, but what am I?"

It's been a lot of years since I heard playground fun. Orbital, mommy's boy, christian lover, christian hater, whatever you are, thanks for that. Really, I mean it. thanks.
There are alway bigots who try to force their religion (or lack thereof) on others. It's a shame that conservative/fundamentalist christians get lumped in the same catagory as the more liberal/moderate ones around here.