China Creates Dwarves Only Town (it gets better)

We Leplesent the Rahrriepop Guird, the Rahrriepop Guird, the Rahrriepop Guird. and in the name of the Rahrriepop Guird, we Wehrcome you to Munchkin Rand
China's hairiest man Yu Zhenhuan undertakes laser hair removal treatment - Telegraph


We've found the missing link.
A lot of midgets tend to kill themselves. A disproportionate amount, actually. Hervé Villechaize off of Fantasy Island. I think somebody from the Time Bandits did. I suppose they must get really sad about like... being really little and that... people looking at them, laughing at them, calling them names. You know, "short arse". There's another famous midget. I miss him but I can't remember. It's not the R2D2 man; no, he's still going

I saw that movie about a month ago. Wish I finished it. Not sure why I didn't but I made it to the point where the one guy told the other to kill the 3rd. Descriptive I know.