Chemicals to aid in studying

So i'm no worse than Reggs:

Drip 115-175 (7 oz cup)
Espresso 100 1 serving (1-2oz)

However, you can expect to find about 100 mg of caffeine in a shot of espresso, and about 130 mg of caffeine in a cup (around 8 oz) of coffee.

A 1.5 ounce shot of Espresso contains 77 milligrams of caffeine.
For tests, I usually make something in a press, then use half half and half, and half milk to dilute it and have small sips every 5 mins or so. It keeps you awake without feeling too nervous. You could take guarana pills, but I enjoy drinking coffee, and the smell and taste probably have an added placebo effect.

Luckily I haven't had a class that required it in some time.
*sigh* I don't really want to, ask me in the evening.

I heard it on NPR's "Your Health" podcast; reputable. The average espresso drink has less caffeine than what you get from a drip or press.

75-100mg of espresso per shot. That's a good amount of caffeine. NPR is a poor source.