Changing for a certain women doesn't work

Excel said:
Christ man, do you have any idea what the odds against getting a looker are doing that?!
Its not really as bad as you guys make it out to be... My gf's beautiful and yet she accepts who I am. The only problem with finding a person like this is, you end up wanting to marry them. Bah, I'm the victim of circumstance.
to put it in nerd terms, women wanting to change you is similar to them playing a video game.

If they can't beat the game, they just get frustrated and quit. But if/when they beat the game(get you to change) it's vab, nothing left to prove, game over.

The key is to string them along for as long as you can to make them think they're getting somewhere, so they'll keep pumping in quarters(read: put out).

Sounds like your replay value was 0.0

none the less, sorry to hear :(

good, honest women are always hard to find.
WarBuddha said:
Fuck bitches who lead you on long enough for you to change for them and then to be dropped like a bad habit. Fuck them all. :-|

Same thing happened to me two thursdays ago. Dropped me soo suddenly its still hitting me.


Fuck woman, im going shemale.
liquidh2o said:
to put it in nerd terms, women wanting to change you is similar to them playing a video game.

If they can't beat the game, they just get frustrated and quit. But if/when they beat the game(get you to change) it's vab, nothing left to prove, game over.

The key is to string them along for as long as you can to make them think they're getting somewhere, so they'll keep pumping in quarters(read: put out).

Sounds like your replay value was 0.0

none the less, sorry to hear :(

good, honest women are always hard to find.

read: pumping them with cock?