
lil lugz`

Veteran XV
This one is going out to those in the Networking/Systems fields as careers.
Im getting out of the Army soon and going back home to go to school. I was thinking of getting back into the Computer field, but there are a lot of options as to what I specifically want to do.
So my questions would be:
What Networking/Systems are good career choices?
Which areas get paid the best?
How many hours a week do you work?
Do you like/love what you do?
If you have any other recommendations or some knowledge you can drop, I would appreciate it.
1.) Same story/Different game. Neither one is better until very, very high, then Network Admin edges System Admin out.

2.) Neither are ground breaking (50-90k locale depending)

3.) I work 50 +

4.) No
I didnt like networking.. I went to school, got some of my certs..

I now have a career in construction. fuck working with computers for a living.
To be honest, virtualisation is where its at. I have started VMWare consulting and I can earn more in a week than I did busting ass for a month as a network architect.

when i was younger i was pretty hardcore into computers. I enjoyed them and i thught that making a living doing something that i loved would be awesome. I went into networking because it was something that was big at the time and paid a lot.

The more that i got into it the more i hated it. For me i had turned something i loved to do as a hobby into a chore..

I personally really enjoyed construction. My father owned a company and i had always enjoyed how i could be outside and every day was something completely different. I hired on with a very large company in my area and climbed the ladder. Even after doing it for 12 years each day is still something new and different.

Now i just use computers at work for ACAD and emails and youtube when im bored. :roller:
when i was younger i was pretty hardcore into computers. I enjoyed them and i thught that making a living doing something that i loved would be awesome. I went into networking because it was something that was big at the time and paid a lot.

The more that i got into it the more i hated it. For me i had turned something i loved to do as a hobby into a chore..

I personally really enjoyed construction. My father owned a company and i had always enjoyed how i could be outside and every day was something completely different. I hired on with a very large company in my area and climbed the ladder. Even after doing it for 12 years each day is still something new and different.

Now i just use computers at work for ACAD and emails and youtube when im bored. :roller:
This is my story, only I haven't made the drastic career change yet. I'm a network admin and find my job very unfulfilling. Woo right click on shit all day long woo.
I just started doing "ecommerce" aka I basically play in excel and do database/publishing shit for a large company.

It's boring as hell and if I had started doing this when I was younger I would probably have offed myself already. Even at this juncture I doubt I would tolerate doing this for the next year and a half/two years while I finish school.

Even with great pay I don't see how people can stick to doing these kind of jobs. Prior I was an auctioneer and had an appraisal company. It didn't pay as well but it was way fucking more exciting.
security is where the money and fun is at

You have to be good to make the money. There's a lot of idiots out there who think they can run a pentest kit against a network and call themselves security analysts, but unless you can actually go deeper and read (and understand) configs and point out flaws/improvements and other things then you're just ripping people off.
Was more or less in Dark Angels' shoes, four years of college down the drain :)

Now I do whatever the flavor of the month is for me.