can't find slave HD

in the "device Manager" window, right click on the "my computer" at the top and "scan for hardware changes". See if that pickes it up.
Do yourself a favor and reformat everything, and install your OS on your 80GB drive. More than likely your 8GB is ATA/33 or 66 and your 80 is 100, and probably higher RPMs. That all translates into faster system processing and paging. Unless you use that 80GB to its maximum capacity, it's worth the extra 5-6GB of space to put your OS on it, honestly. If you're really concerned about organization, just make an 8GB partition on your 80GB drive and put your system stuff there.

If you really want to keep the 8GB, just slave it. Fdisk and format everything.
theres too much shit i'd lose on that 80gig... once i get it to show up ill prolly back it all up to my sis's comp on our network.

what i might do is partition about 10 gigs for the OS, and the rest for apps and games. then use the 8 gig for music? how's that sound?
use the 8 gig as a back up for anything you really don't want to lose. Pics, funny stuff. The rest you can just download again if you lose it. And yes, give yourself a 10 gig OS / game drive and put your music and shit on the rest of it.
you could always try powering off, removing the 80gb drive, starting windows up, shutting back down, then reattaching the drive. been a while since I did anything with win98, but I do remember it being flaky with some shit.
personally I switched to cable select. no reason not to really. (not since the new ATA66 cables)
filsinger said:
i bet his 80 is formated in NTFS... because if it is.. then it wont show up in win98
if you had read the thread, you would have realized i already allured to that and asked what he was running before. he said win98se.

advisory, start over and remove the 8GB or make it slave.

make the 80GB the master.

no need to format, just boot off the XP cd and install. it won't wipe anything out. then convert it to NTFS afterwards by using convert.exe.
iNVAR said:
if you had read the thread, you would have realized i already allured to that and asked what he was running before. he said win98se.

advisory, start over and remove the 8GB or make it slave.

make the 80GB the master.

no need to format, just boot off the XP cd and install. it won't wipe anything out. then convert it to NTFS afterwards by using convert.exe.

if YOU had read the thread you would notice i mentioned it first.
filsinger said:
if YOU had read the thread you would notice i mentioned it first.
then why the fuck are you asking again like a dumbass when he answered it was win98se?
if the drive worked fine beforehand on a win98se OS install, it's obviously NOT NTFS.