[Canada] second terrorist attack in last 48 hours

Really? I'm not sure I can relate to people that think that you can stop terrorism. You cut off one of the snakes head and another will take its place.

How quickly can you run from the one spot to the next? It's fucked up that he made it into the building that's for sure. But then how many such things have happened at various government buildings lately... even the White House. Immediate response is a tricky thing.
it's maybe a 5min thing, they are very close


this guy would have had to make it through a crosswalk, walking along the fence and walk up to the front lawn. there are ALWAYS cruisers there. there is no doubt in my mind that this clown walked right passed officers.
'Stay the course now that this is hitting closer to home'

Really? I'm not sure I can relate to people that think that you can stop terrorism. You cut off one of the snakes head and another will take its place.

Well you sure can't stop it by burying your head in the sand which is what a lot of Canadians have thought we should do.
my favorite response to this is all the calls to nationalistic patriotism like this on reddit

no one has learned anything from 9/11

I feel incredibly sick. This truly enrages me. We aren't a patriotic people, but in general, we are protective and proud of our soldiers.
Canada is known as an open and welcoming country, and our places of government are just the same. The fact that this person took advantage of that fact makes me so angry.
If this person is a Muslim radical, as the hit-and-run perpetrator was in Quebec, then... I don't know what to say. This aberrant extremist group's disgusting ideals of hatred and murder must be stamped out, somehow, just as Nazism in Germany was, otherwise it will continue to spread like a disease.
EDIT: In my community, we are not as traditionally patriotic as Americans are (you wouldn't see us wearing Canadian flag matching unitards for example...not that that's a bad thing). It's more of a quiet, humble pride. Perhaps in other communities it's different. Either way...it doesn't matter.
I have never felt personally wronged in this way before - I feel as if someone has stolen something from me. They had no right.
We Are Canadian, and we will be strong.

it reminds me of that tv personality character from v for vendetta that roger allam plays lewis prothero
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Suggesting that a person who doesn't have a knee-jerk reaction to situations like this isn't patriotic is up there in stupidity.

Go do some research and you will find that top talent in business has the ability to remove emotion from important decisions. This is no different.
Yeah guns don't really work that way.

And regarding only cops carrying them.. it's kinda scary how little mandated training they have. Most Canadian cops will shoot 50-100 (1 to 2 boxes) of ammo in a year, just to re-qualify. But anyway, this isn't really about guns. This is about a dangerous ideology.

I'd really want qualifying to be improved. I'm glad the officer that took down the shooter at Parliament Hill was a former CF member that spent lots of time at the range.

It really is about a dangerous ideology. I don't think getting involved in the ISIS conflict is wrong. This further proves it.
I wouldn't feel the need to carry a gun. More guns isn't the solution to a situation like this. That's how situations like VT, Sandy Hook, Aurora, and more. Or a former cop shooting someone over texting during a movie. I'd hate to see Canada become a place where guns are commonplace and even a few people take advantage of it.

Or you can believe these incidents are on the rise which they are not:

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware | Pew Research Center

The media plays up any incident and you are able to get news in your face instantly so you are more apt to think its going up and it is not. I am not saying this is because of more guns in general, but there is certainly a higher awareness of them overall.
ya lets lash out and invade another country whos general population had nothing to do with this so we can extract "revenge"
Or you can believe these incidents are on the rise which they are not:

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware | Pew Research Center

The media plays up any incident and you are able to get news in your face instantly so you are more apt to think its going up and it is not. I am not saying this is because of more guns in general, but there is certainly a higher awareness of them overall.

Did you know there's less gun violence in countries that have less guns? That's crazy. You may want to look outside of the US for stats. The gun culture that's ingrained in the US is not ingrained in other countries that actually believe in gun control. Maybe you want to go to Nigeria for a bit of gun statistics. Or maybe ask the Mexican cartels for their numbers. Again, lots of people don't think everyone should be carrying something that was solely designed to kill. Take your bullshit elsewhere.
Ottawa police confirm 1 male shooting suspect died; no one in custody
Ottawa police say there was no incident near Rideau Centre
Goes to show how hectic these events are when multiple shootings are reported and then later totally debunked... such a weird thing. Hopefully it was just the one guy and this is the end of it.
Goes to show how hectic these events are when multiple shootings are reported and then later totally debunked... such a weird thing. Hopefully it was just the one guy and this is the end of it.
no doubt sound would have carried to the rideau centre easily; echoes too