Can you decipher this Mars code?


Veteran XX

The Clue Page

As you have probably discovered,the Mars code used for the secret message on Spirit's DVD is not easy to decipher. To help you along the way, here's a clue to help set you on the right track:

Clue No. 1, January 10, 2004:

A longer text using the same code would read:


Clue no. 2, January 12, 2004:
The text in clue No. 1 is from Carl Sagan's Pale Blue Dot.

Clue no. 3, January 14, 2004:
The message is encoded twice. Each letter is represented by a number, and each number is represented by vertical lines (l) and dashes (-).

Can you solve it now?

If you think you have deciphered the Mars code, fill out the form below and receive your Certificate of Accomplishment now. If not - check here on January 12, 2004. We'll have another clue in place to help.

The Spirit DVD code is very sophisticated and difficult to crack. Do not be discouraged if you find you cannot solve it in your first few tries. Keep checking with us for new clues every two days, and in the end - you too may solve the Secret Mars Code!

It's pretty cool.
My name is on that DVD, there was a thing on the internet to do that a long ass time ago and I got in.

Pics or it Didnt Happen