Call me a troll, or you can read my story.

i tried many times to play base, but you all were stuck so far up each others asses i couldnt get you out.
maybe ill just post in the general anarchy some cool pictures of self mutilators cutting up their cocks and balls and such, i bet that would be cool.

or i just post tons of porn here and everyone would start drooling like a bunch of fucking pathetic nerds.

You should just post those pictures here! People would LOVE it!
Jesus christ. He reminds me of how bad I used to be when I first started coming here... FFS kid go to sleep, and stop posting on tw.
Stay away from rednecks that like to party in the woods by all costs if your not a redneck. Very bad things will happen if you don't. And I speak from experience.
haha ive been coming here for years, just never posted.

i dont feel like sleeping.

zod, your just too smart for me. Why waste your time verbally attacking such a worthless human being like myself?

btw im far from a redneck just to fill you in.
hahahahaha zod you know your not going to sleep, your probably gonna go read a c++ book or something eh?
haha ive been coming here for years, just never posted.

i dont feel like sleeping.

zod, your just too smart for me. Why waste your time verbally attacking such a worthless human being like myself?

btw im far from a redneck just to fill you in.
Riiight. What are you 12? You're grammer is like a 13 year old trying to tell his life story in five minutes.

ex; omg i went to this party and this kid i dont like is there some how omg. we found him outside and dude he had his dick in his hand so i told everyone so they could laugh at him lawl so we pee'd on him and we laughed lawl the next day people where waking up and yeah man here came jimmy and he smelt like ass no man im serious he smelt like butthole he had dry shit all over him it was so funny hahahahahah omg lmao

Just shut the fuck up, no one here gives two shits about you.
YEA man fuck me! You told me like it is! Holy shit, I should just get the fuck out! Haha, I didn't realize people on tribalwar gave a flying fuck about anyone. Oh, my bad.

This place is so special, no where else in the word you can flame like this place.
Yea wouldn't that be a favor to you all; you think I'll fall for the alt+f4 tactic? I have a suggestion, why don't you suck-my-cock.