bye tribe

i got the job dudes

94k + 10k bonus

thanks for all the well wishes from months ago

also what car should i get miata or brz
gj alex

will someone (cael) either coach me or fake arefrence for me for a job interview

i get offered 85k for config enterprise level firewall for a division in city gov yesterday by a drunk sec architect that just wants a friend to drink with and go to titty barz and i wuld like this job
did you just make a retire thread in order to brag about money you might make, just to be back in several months


here is a tip, dont talk about how much money you make to anyone going forward unless you are desperate to impress a girl or something??
dutch i didnt retire. in my first post i said i would be back in 4 - 5 months.

graduating with BS Mech Eng. i've been earmarked for a valve r&d position after a stint in a rotational program.

also miata is a super fun car for cool dudes. dont hate

p.s. lets tribe this weekend

pps thanks alex :)
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