Bush cancels Swiss speaking engagement to avoid possible arrest!

You all figure out why less than a year before both Condi Rice and Colin Powell said Saddam was contained and harmless .... then some how, without any actual capability becomes a threat enough to us to leave the trail of bin Laden to go after him.



The alleged crime happend inside the US.

I'm aware of that. Just saying no one is going to extradite him just because Americans get their panties in a bunch about it. In fact it's probably the opposite...a big :finger: fu
Personally I get a good laugh at those that embrace "you're either with us or against us" then call out others for being indoctrinated...
i hate to break it to you guys, but no one gives a fuck about Roman Polanski and his heinous crime outside of the US

The alleged crime happend inside the US. Even if it did, Roman Polanski fucked up one persons life, Bush sacrificed thousands of lives for his agenda.

This is why the US has no respect for you savages and why we'll continue to do wtf we want.

You are animals not really even fit for co-existence with us. We should treat you like we treat cattle.
i don't really care about all this BS

but weren't you guys all down on Saddam for torture and shit like that?

the interesting thing about the whole Iraq war to me was how we were able to tell he was going after gog and magog and only found out recently that even he knew this

I hadn't been aware for a long time that God actually told him to do it. it was a neat discovery

bush must know his bible pretty good. he is very private about his beliefs
Bush deserves to be tried in the Hague just like any other war criminal.

Only the losing side of wars end up at the Hague. I'm not calling Iraq a win mind you, but it's not a loss, certainly not a military loss.

Should he be punished for war crimes? Probably, along with a lot of others who engaged in torture and enabled it's use.
Shouldn't Australians be punished for rioting and beating up their brown-skinned citizens while rampaging through their businesses?

Oh wait - the Aussies are fine with that sort of thing.
racism is an even more fundamental part of the Aussie national character than it is for Americans
Teratos, honestly ... what the fuck are you talking about exactly? I mean seriously, you just threw some words together randomly in a vain attempt to look intelligent right?
I'd like to see the King of Saudi Arabia hauled into court for the human rights abuses that happen there.

Why is it only American leaders that are held to this standard?
There are human rights abuses, and then there are war crimes. The UN handles human rights, while the Hague handles war crimes. Cmon grunt, you should know better.

And the Cronulla riots are no different to the weekly muslim bashings and religious hatred in the US, so its a pretty shitty example.