[BUG] Misc issues

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Veteran X
Here are set of bugs that ive seen differently reported, or unknown if they are actually bugs or features so ill post them altogether.

[BUG] Catapults go crazy when u approach them with any deployable mounted in your hand. I read somewhere about deploying a mine nearby for the same effect.. so meh reported just in case.

[BUG] In online games, player & vehicle terrain shadows do not appear. Burner flame trail damage effect on players & vehicles does not appear either. Both function 'correctly' offline tho.

[BUG] No-clip/no player collision on deployable turrets allowing friendly/enemies to walk thru them.. dunno if this is a bug, or a new feature for TV (ie to stop blocking of entrances or something) but personally i would call it a bug.

[BUG] If you suicide while your still protected by your respawn shield effect, it doesnt wear off on the dead bodies and will stay there for ages if u dont move. Bug or slack coding u decide :)

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