[Bug] Force grid removal artifact in Cavern.

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Veteran X
Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't there a force grid across the bottom of the "chute" in the main base in Cavern, in an earlier iteration of beta?

Thing is, it still exists for weapons fire. Projectiles will explode/bounce off it, but splash damage goes through.


Host server, Spawn at either base. Buy a "bouncy" weapon (easiest to see the results. Stand at the bottom left or right opening, on the "front" side (closest to the inventory.) Attempt to bounce a grenade or mortar into the "chute" it will bounce off the "air" in the opening and out of the chute, rather than the wall of the chute and into it.

[edit]Also affects the grapple. as this is probably easier to see, try shooting a grapple at the bottom entrance to the chute and walking around it.

[edit 2] There's a small space at the "top" of the opening that lets shots through, but it's about a meter wide, fairly narrow, but can affect reproducing the condition. Aiming for the center of the opening reproduces it every time.

This limits HO quite a bit, as it causes you to misplace "cornering" mortars very easily and hurt yourself with them rather than just the enemy. Suggest you go over all the places where force grids were removed in maps that aren't in open beta and ensure that this artifact doesn't creep up in those.
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It's a known issue. Was a problem with the collision extents of the static mesh curve at the bottom of the chute. It's seince been fixed.

There was never an energy barrier there though :)
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