[BUG/FEEDBACK] Rover and repairpack box


Veteran XV
If the rover is parked on an upward slope, you may not be able to gain access to the inventories from the rear. I guess because of the angle of the rover and the slope you are standing on you will not allign with the rover properly and will not see the "press * to use the inventory"

I was able to see the messege if I jumped up and down while standing behind the rover.

In order to grab a repair pack you must be standing close to perpendicular with the box, I think it would be better the widen the angle you must be in order the grab a pack. It makes it hard to just run by the box on the wall hitting the button. Maybe that was your plan, but I would like to just be able to run by the wall grab the pack and start repairing and not have to line up with the box