Brooklyn Breweries Black Chocolate stout has arrived... mmmm

Just had the Delirium Noel, it was delicious. There is a place I might go to tomorrow that has the Brooklyn Breweries, will have to check it out.
True Story : I went to my local Farm Fresh (C) and browsed the beer section for a solid twenty minutes

Saw the Brooklyn Chocolate, but was thinking more wintery than sweet... ie; a Celebration or Winter Lager...

They didn't have Carlsberg I noticed because I had been talking to a Liverpool fanboy recently, and they were completely 86'd of the beer I went there specifically for, Legend Brown.

Ended up walking out without anything and am considering doing a second run.
I can't get into a chocolate stout, but I love Brooklyn's pennant ale :cheers:

I'm loving my new job.. here is the view from my office. Just a small corner of the warehouse.

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Sierra Nevada Harvest Ale

i've picked up a couple bottles of this, good shit.

it's is rated by SN as about twice as bitter as their IPA, but you wouldn't guess that by drinking it. I'm not crazy about IPA's, but i like this

Tonight: Double Bag, Long Trail's Steickbeir (or however you spell it)