British debate- live stream outside the uk?

C-SPAN 3 will carry it live.

God I hope Cameron stops acting like a gigantic vagina and starts embracing a little austerity. The size, breadth and retarded policies of gov't in the UK are just absurd.
cameron is a piece of shit, talking about how he wants to cut 'spin' and 'sleaze' out of politics - he made his millions as a fucking marketing/PR exec, spin is what he does

plus his shameless 'time for change' slogan is a facile and bald-faced attempt to cling to brobamas coat-tails
I'm not saying that Cameron is a particularly solid person, I'm just saying that I agree with the Tory plank more than Labour and Brown has proven to be a total buffoon. If I had my druthers I would have cloned Margaret Thatcher from the early 1980s and run her on the Conservative ticket.

To be honest, you are absolutely right that Cameron has stolen his sloganeering from Obama and he's tried to have it every way possible... just like Obama.

We'll fix the deficit! And we won't touch NHS or any other benefit program!

Ok sure broski.
as much as I loathe maggie as a person, and totally disagree with her views, that bitch had conviction

she wasnt some wishy-washy PR consultant relying on constant opinion polls and focus groups to be able to say that 2+2=4
She made tough choices and stuck by her guns... even more so than Reagan did here in the US. Hell, even Bill Fucking Clinton made some tough choices with his budgets and welfare reform. It seems like public leaders of democracies worldwide all lost their balls in the late 90s and no one has grown a pair since.
its the proliferation of the soundbyte and PR management, sadly

which is why this 90 minute debate format is so intriguing, nobody knows how it'll go

edit: what's different about this UK debate is that parliament is a total clusterfuck of arguing and debating as a matter of course, so they're naturally gonna be damn good at it, its just that no fucker outside of the journalistic/political class watches parliamentary debates (I do)

so its basically a way for them to reach out to the populace at large in a way that hasnt really happened before

the fact that they're showing it on ITV1 is a very important factor, since ITV is the channel that makes a habit out of trash lowest common denominator TV
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Jesus Christ, Britons have become a bunch of gigantic pussies haven't they? How many times do you have to mention "fair society" in the first three minutes? Ugh.
holy shit they're going all 'x factor' about this

even the intro

(americas got talent)


they really are going balls out to bring it to the 'common people'

this is fucking x political factor

I am insulted
Honestly, this debate is already making me feel a little better about American politics and politicians. Holy shit these guys are saying absolutely NOTHING.
Holy Christ, Gordon Brown is hysterical. Like the government can just arbitrarily "train people up" to take highly skilled jobs. Give me a fucking break.