breaking news (Scott Baio replacing Charlie Sheen on two and a half men)

Charlie sheen keeps getting cooler and cooler as he gets older.

"so tired of pretending like my life isn't just perfect and bitchin and just WINNING every second, and that i'm not perfect and bitchin and deliverin the goods at every turn" -Charlie Sheen

lol, love that guy so much.
You might be nails, but charlie sheen is a fucking bayonet... interview was highly commical.

That being said "Two and a Half men" is a terrible show. Whenever I'm reminded of this show's popularity, or the popularity of "Everyone loves raymond" I realize how different I am from main stream americana and i thank god for making me that way (and for making me an atheist).
You might be nails, but charlie sheen is a fucking bayonet... interview was highly commical.

That being said "Two and a Half men" is a terrible show. Whenever I'm reminded of this show's popularity, or the popularity of "Everyone loves raymond" I realize how different I am from main stream americana and i thank god for making me that way (and for making me an atheist).

man i just want to bE you
"I'm tired of pretending like I'm not special," Sheen told NBC. "I'm tired of pretending like I'm not bitching a total freaking rock star from Mars. And people can't figure me out. They can't process me. I don't expect them to. You can't process me with a normal brain."

He later said he has "tiger blood and Adonis DNA."
Scott Baio is about the same age, has the same look, and is just as untalented as Charlie Sheen. Picture Scott in an ugly bowling shirt on a couch with his legs crossed like a fag making wise cracks with a stupid smirk. That is good for 3 episodes at least.
If the show works it works, the bar is pretty low, enough said. Either way Charlie Sheen will be going apeshit, that shit storm gets you at least 4 more episodes.
Then when it starts to die down, the brother starts fucking Jonnie: bam they now have 2 more episodes.