BREAKING: Explosions at Boston Marathon

you're just saying that because it's terroristic action that's taking place in boston on tax day.

It's also Patriot's day in Boston. I'm placing my bets on the A-rabs, but it's still possible that it's a crazy white guy. A similar event happened over 12 years ago not far from Boston. A guy walked into his office building and started shooting the place up with an AK-47 over taxes. He killed seven people.
Someone had posted that they got hit in the head with something and then they went down - another person had said they saw a dismembered leg fly past their face.
bombs don't kill people, cell phone detonators do!!! ban cell phones and other detonator devices!
Cell still works just takes a while to get messages through.

I am back home.

Assholes talking about bombs at JFK/UMass had me kind of worried though since that's one of my options to get off the red line.

Instead it was the library.

All friends accounted for except one. Hopefully no co-workers =[
I suggest you watch the movie "A noble lie".
An investigative movie on the OKC Bombing (keep in mind, I've never seen it so I am not interested in passing judgment on the film) does not discredit the implied message of my previous post: Muslims/Arabs/Middle Easterners do not have a monopoly on terrorism.
An investigative movie on the OKC Bombing (keep in mind, I've never seen it so I am not interested in passing judgment on the film) does not discredit the implied message of my previous post: Muslims/Arabs/Middle Easterners do not have a monopoly on terrorism.

John Doe #2 was never found. He was said to be of Middle Eastern descent. DUN DUN DUN!