Bowling for Columbine


Veteran X
Excellent movie.. I urge everyone to go see if it they
can (its in limited distribution). Definately one of my
favorite movies of all time.. the message it delivers and
the way it delivers it is incredible.

Anyone else seen it?

Go see it; learn something.
I want to see it

My brother saw it and like it a lot.

Michael Moore is my hero.

Everyone else here on this forum loves guns, though, so expect this post to be the only positive one.
1) This is ofn

2) Michael Moore is a fucking faggot (and fat)

3) Go suck a dick you bleeding heart liberal pussy.
Rapscallion Jones said:
I rest my case.

Ok, you win, you're right, your group of liberal bleeding heart cock sucking pussies is in the minority at TW.

Reno said:
1) This is ofn

2) Michael Moore is a fucking faggot (and fat)

3) Go suck a dick you bleeding heart liberal pussy.
Wow, faggot, a grade 7 word.
You're cool.

Anyhow, the right wing lunatics on this board won't appreciate Moore's flare.
Rapscallion Jones said:
I want to see it

My brother saw it and like it a lot.

Michael Moore is my hero.

Everyone else here on this forum loves guns, though, so expect this post to be the only positive one.

bows&arrows > guns

good movie, btw

michael moore is :cool:
Raps, i am also very strongly against guns, so that means there are two (2) "faggot bleeding heart liberals here" i think we're still minority.
What about the message of the movie? Doesn't it make you
think -just a little bit- that there is indeed something
wrong in America's culture?
Reno said:
My "issue" is that I can't stand lib-dems.

You do know that Michael Moore did a movie about violence and not guns right? You also know that it is a fair and open assesment of facts that allows you to become informed. You would do yourself to give it a chance instead of assuming what it is about.
Reno said:
Ok, you win, you're right, your group of liberal bleeding heart cock sucking pussies is in the minority at TW.

TW is the center of the universe :rolleyes:

At least liberals aren't gun-toting psychopaths. Some actually care about people rather than want to shoot them. But hey, you're a real tough guy so you probably won't relate to the concept of "maturity" or "helping"
Twiztid said:
Raps, i am also very strongly against guns, so that means there are two (2) "faggot bleeding heart liberals here" i think we're still minority.

Hey you know who else was against guns in the hands of the people? Hitler and Stalin.

It's nice to know that people like you want to take away my ability to defend myself from criminals who will STILL HAVE GUNS.