Bout time to buy a new vid card

Hot Sabji

Oh how i wish i had enough for a radeon 9800 pro that card kicks ass....but

I kinda want to get a radeon 9700 pro but their still about 300 dollars which i have, but i can get a ti4600 for 195$.

What would yall do?

Think radeon 9700 pro will drop in price soon with FX and 9800 Hitting the market soon? I kinda have that urge to buy now which i guess i should resist.
A rule to upgrading.. always spend as much as you can so it will last longer, or something like that. Also, wait as long as you can :)

If you have $300, get the 9700 Pro. You can get the retail built by ATi one at Circuit City fot that price, or you could get a OEM one for $300 online.

Depending on your CPU, the 9700 will blow away the 4600, especially with high res/aa/af on. A friend has a similar system of mine up the road, but he has a 4600. Went with me to buy this 9700 Tues, watched me put it in. Saw the graphics for the first time, and was blown away. There is a huge difference.

Having said all that, wait a few more weeks if you can, when a whole new FX line will be out, and a new Radeon line too. More choices, probably lower prices to boot.

(ps I think all FX cards will be DX9, so it wont be another GF4MX debacle.)
Sure, they will be dx9 cards, but does that really matter when they don't have the performance to back it up?

I mean, the lowest card in the fx series can't even score above 1k.

This is taken from toms hardware(which suck imho, but still):

However, we can already give you some of our first impressions about the performance of the new cards. In the standard tests without FSAA and anitotropic filtering, the FX 5600 Ultra seems to be just about the same or slower than a GeForce 4 Ti 4200 8x and Radeon 9500 PRO. This might be due to the reduced pixel pipelines (2x2, as opposed to 4x2). With 4xFSAA, it appears to reach nearly double the performance of the 4200, beating a 4800 as well, but it loses out to the Radeon 9500 PRO. It's a similar picture with the anisotropic filtering. In the pixel shader tests from 3DMark 2001, it beats the 4200/2800, but loses in the vertex shader tests. In both tests, it clearly loses to the Radeon 9500 PRO.

The FX 5200 Ultra is quite a bit slower than the 5600 Ultra in the standard tests. In anti-aliasing, it's just a tad behind the Ti 4200. It's the same with anisotropic filtering - at least in Balanced mode. In Performance mode, it even manages to beat the 4800.

Does this seem like a card you wan't to "upgrade" to?
marantz said:
is it gonna be like an MX card? cuz those arent even worth $80
Well yea, that has been the general consensus for the GF cards, but I think this card will outperform the ti4200, and that card is 150 bucks. But along with the 80 dollar 5200, the 5600 will cost approx. 150 bucks, so he would prolly be BEST off getting that one. But a 80 dollar FX card? Cmon man, thats a fucking deal no matter how stripped down it is.
im not buying any fx card. Their slow, their image quality is inferior, and right now ATI is teh winner. Maybe in another generation or 2 nvidia can come out ahead again.
Yeah, but still, compared with the rest of the dx9 cards, it deserves the "mx" tag

The r9700 packs 5 times the performance in 3dmark2k3, which means shit, but still, it's pretty pathetic.

And when it comes to vertex shaders, it gets it butt kicked by a gf4 ti4200, that's not a good thing at all.

If you wan't a performing budget dx9 card, wait for atis new offerings, atleast they seem to be able to perform
seems to me the 9700 pro is about even with the fx ultra, and that the 9800 is much better than the fx ultra.

isnt the fx ultra supposed to be 499 or something like that too? the 9800 is already available for 399-450 on like 6 sites.

not to mention ati image quality is > all.

I mean i dont see why people do benchmarks on either card anymore w/o ani filtering and fsaa to the max.

Graphics cards have always been about the best and fastest, and ati fsaa and ani filtering blows nvidia away.
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Yeah, but where are you going to buy the ultra, in reality it's the regular fx 5800 that people is going to own, and that chip isnt performing better than the r9700, and the ultra model isnt really faster than the r9700 either, well if you exclude aa and af it is faster at 1024x786 i guess
sorry heh it sounded like you were trying to get me to buy a certainly gunna get this 9700 pro i just cant decide if its worth it to wait another 2 weeks or not...then if i wait another 2 weeks after that...blah blah blah.