Bob Barr - The 44th President of the United States of America

bob barr is a fucking republican and he has tons of shit in his closet. he's an embarrassment to the libertarian party.
regardless of the shit in his closet, it's his stance on issues that are the most important. he openly criticizes the bush administration and opposes the patriot act (yes, he did vote for it but under the guise that it was going to be used only to investigate terrorist activities). he's also for small gov't, against federal marriage amendment, and for withdrawal from iraq. and for all you pot heads, he's for legalization of marijuana.

but, to each their own.
1) he voted for the patriot act
2) he authored legislation in 1996 to keep same-sex marriages illegal. (Defense of Marriage Act)
3) he voted to go into Iraq
4) spearheaded the War on Drugs in the late 90s and was a member of the Speaker's Task Force for a Drug-Free America.
5) Opposed medical marijuana by personally blocking the Legalization of Marijuana for Medical Treatment Initiative of 1998 via adding the Barr Amendment.
6) Opposes abortion

oh yeah this guy has real strong libertarian roots.
per 2008:

1) is now against the patriot act. voted for the patriot act only if sunset clauses were implemented in the final bill. he now openly regrets his vote.

2) he is against the federal marriage amendment (which limits marriage to only a man and woman). says that it's a violation of state's rights.

3) he voted for the iraq resolution but now calls for a withdrawal leaving no permanent base in iraq.

4) he has since changed his decision. he publicly announces that while he is not pro-drugs he is against government intrusion. he is an advocate for state control over federal control

5) march of 2007, he reversed his stance on marijuana and now lobbies for the MPP (Marijuana Policy Project)

6) you're right (i'm pro-choice)

he may not have libertarian roots but at least he has conviction and accountability. on most of all these issues you brought up he has publicly reversed his stance.
phe may not have libertarian roots but at least he has conviction and accountability. on most of all these issues you brought up he has publicly reversed his stance.
yeah, real conviction to all those principles he abandoned and completely reversed his positions on to get a bid on a presidential ticket. You should have a problem with the fact that you have to type the word 'reversed' or 'regrets' so many times in your last reply when talking about points fundamental to the party he supposedly belongs to.