blizzard is dead

ya and pubg tried to sue them too lolol... epic(fn doods) coulda just said ok, well stop using our engine... effectively killing pubg.
I used to think ow was just a low skill boring press q to win shit show, but I have come back to playing it a lot recently and it has a fuck ton of depth and nuance when you actually try to git gud
all of the games you list are failing due to poor balancing/design, especially HS and hots. theres a reason SC1 making a comeback and is currently way above SC2 in KR esports scene. cuz its actually a good proper game... RTS and MMO arent dead genres, just that everyone makes shitty games under those genres.

theres plenty of amazing ARPGs. just gotta look beyond diablo... and i dont even get why anyone cares about diablo anymore tbh, PoE is far superior. not that i care for the genre myself.

I disagree with just about everything you said. Grab a coffee.

MMORPGs - Prior to WoW, EQ was the 'King of MMOs' and had what? 500k subs? WoW started at 5mill and grew from there over the next 3 years+. WoW wasn't just a well made game; it brought in more new players to the genre than there were playing the genre to begin with. In 2018, how many people have played a theme park MMO (be it WoW or a clone)? 50 million? 80? 100? Surely we've at least reached the point where if someone hasn't played an MMORPG by now it's because they never will.

Like a lot of other people; I played WoW from vanilla through to WotlK and then essentially 'retired'. I typically revisit the game with each expansion but only for 2-3 weeks. I have no delusion of playing an MMORPG in the way I did from 2005-2009 ever again. Not just because 'games are shittier' or 'I have less time'. I've simply 'done it all to death' and so has everyone else.

RTS - This genre is absolutely dead are you joking? Nobody is climbing the walls for another Age of Empires, Star Craft, Command & Conquer, etc. It was THE competitive/pvp genre outside of arena shooters. Today there is so much more. MMOs have PvP. MOBAs are 100% PvP. Digital Card Games. Battle Royale and your typical shooters like CS/Cod/BF and the outliers to that like OW and its clones. There's just so much more today that people can compete in that offer a better PvP experience than an RTS game. I would think the anxiety of a 1v1 RTS match ranks lower for most people than all the other mentioned genres/titles.

ARPGs - There is a singular "amazing ARPG outside (the legacy) of Diablo". Aside from PoE there is nothing else that has had the longevity or relevancy in the genre. A lot of people seem to think PoE has depth/complexity 'because of a massive skill tree' and think so long as other games incorporate a sprawling tree to tech your character that it'll be good (Grim Dawn, Wolcen).

The most important thing PoE has going for it is the value in the loot drops/player's time. Everything is a consumable/desired/useful currency in PoE - even shitty magic/rare/unique items vendor into these consumable currencies. If you're just doing your own thing in PoE, maybe you need orbs of fusing but you don't need chisels, sextants, chance orbs, orbs of regret, vaal orbs, divine orbs etc; you have purchasing power. You can trade/exchange what you don't need for what you do need. Your time gathering/grinding wasn't a complete waste - every time you pick up something you don't need you've still picked up something of value. The crafting in the game is designed to burn through these currencies such that they retain their value in the market. The 'market' itself gets a complete wipe every ~4 months. For a game where you're supposed kill tens of thousands of mobs for the loot they drop, this is the most important aspect of the genre.

It also helps immensely that the game has complexity in its mechanics and damage calculations. 10 players out of 10 who are new to PoE couldn't articulate the difference between "10% increased damage" and "10% more damage" to you... or how Shock works as a debuff for example. There seems to always be something else to learn and apply to character building in PoE because of that complexity. If you've never played a summoner, all your gear/stats/understanding of a melee character aren't going to help you understand what is important to build that summoner. Same goes for ailments, AoE, crit, etc...

Hots - Unlike the MMORPGs , Blizzard didn't grow the MOBA genre. They were late. I don't think any offering from them could have. If people aren't playing LoL or Dota they're likely not playing at all. There's already been a ton of MOBAs that try to offer a little twist on the formula and nobody cares. It's like today's Battle Royale Scene; Battlegrounds grew the audience and Fortnite grew it more. Everyone has played this genre by now and are committed to one game or another. It would be a waste to show up now and think you're going to be the next 'king'.

Looking at Grinding Gear Games, I think they not only made a great ARPG but also designed a system for how a game should stay relevant over time.

They have their 'base game'. Every 4-5 months they roll out a temp season which introduces new items/mechanics/goals. That season acts effectively as a PTR to flush out the design/address issues. You then add it to the base game and roll out another temp season. It constantly brings players back in a way that doesn't feel stale. I just wish they would bring back race seasons.

If you look at D3's seasons - Blizzard doesn't actually add anything to the game. They change around the stats on existing gear. They've recently begun to do their own 'PoE leagues' and what has it been? Double Goblins, Double loot for bounties and now a free ring of grandeur applied to your character - None of these things have added actual new content to the game - it's just a spicier boost to what you've always had in the past. They're fucking clueless over there.

I like the idea behind what Blizzard is doing with WoW: You have BFA launch this year and about 1 year after that (half way through the expack's life but 100% of the way through the content) they'll launch classic WoW; a sort of temp league to occupy players until the next expansion. It's a great idea.... but will really only work once. Nobody will clamor for Classic WoW again half way through the next expansion. Maybe they'll do a TBC server. That's fine. And then a WotlK 2 years after that.... but that's it. Nobody will give a fuck about Cata/Mop/Wod/LGBQT servers.
hots sucks but has short games with some interesting heroes and map mechanics. it has potential but as long as there is no competitive progression like there is in league and dota, it will lag behind

ow is a cancer team game with not a lot of depth. the new heroes are cancer

sc2 is actually pretty good. coop commander is fun.

hearthstone is a p2w phone game
For those of you who enjoyed hearthstone but grew tired of it, look into Artifact. Comes out in 5 days and is $20 but recent info shows that the economy should make competitive decks very affordable, and they added a free version of limited as well. Gameplay is much more dependant on your decisions on where to place your hero cards than on how lucky you get with card draw.
I disagree with just about everything you said. Grab a coffee.

MMORPGs - Prior to WoW, EQ was the 'King of MMOs' and had what? 500k subs? WoW started at 5mill and grew from there over the next 3 years+. WoW wasn't just a well made game; it brought in more new players to the genre than there were playing the genre to begin with. In 2018, how many people have played a theme park MMO (be it WoW or a clone)? 50 million? 80? 100? Surely we've at least reached the point where if someone hasn't played an MMORPG by now it's because they never will.

Like a lot of other people; I played WoW from vanilla through to WotlK and then essentially 'retired'. I typically revisit the game with each expansion but only for 2-3 weeks. I have no delusion of playing an MMORPG in the way I did from 2005-2009 ever again. Not just because 'games are shittier' or 'I have less time'. I've simply 'done it all to death' and so has everyone else.

RTS - This genre is absolutely dead are you joking? Nobody is climbing the walls for another Age of Empires, Star Craft, Command & Conquer, etc. It was THE competitive/pvp genre outside of arena shooters. Today there is so much more. MMOs have PvP. MOBAs are 100% PvP. Digital Card Games. Battle Royale and your typical shooters like CS/Cod/BF and the outliers to that like OW and its clones. There's just so much more today that people can compete in that offer a better PvP experience than an RTS game. I would think the anxiety of a 1v1 RTS match ranks lower for most people than all the other mentioned genres/titles.

ARPGs - There is a singular "amazing ARPG outside (the legacy) of Diablo". Aside from PoE there is nothing else that has had the longevity or relevancy in the genre. A lot of people seem to think PoE has depth/complexity 'because of a massive skill tree' and think so long as other games incorporate a sprawling tree to tech your character that it'll be good (Grim Dawn, Wolcen).

The most important thing PoE has going for it is the value in the loot drops/player's time. Everything is a consumable/desired/useful currency in PoE - even shitty magic/rare/unique items vendor into these consumable currencies. If you're just doing your own thing in PoE, maybe you need orbs of fusing but you don't need chisels, sextants, chance orbs, orbs of regret, vaal orbs, divine orbs etc; you have purchasing power. You can trade/exchange what you don't need for what you do need. Your time gathering/grinding wasn't a complete waste - every time you pick up something you don't need you've still picked up something of value. The crafting in the game is designed to burn through these currencies such that they retain their value in the market. The 'market' itself gets a complete wipe every ~4 months. For a game where you're supposed kill tens of thousands of mobs for the loot they drop, this is the most important aspect of the genre.

It also helps immensely that the game has complexity in its mechanics and damage calculations. 10 players out of 10 who are new to PoE couldn't articulate the difference between "10% increased damage" and "10% more damage" to you... or how Shock works as a debuff for example. There seems to always be something else to learn and apply to character building in PoE because of that complexity. If you've never played a summoner, all your gear/stats/understanding of a melee character aren't going to help you understand what is important to build that summoner. Same goes for ailments, AoE, crit, etc...

Hots - Unlike the MMORPGs , Blizzard didn't grow the MOBA genre. They were late. I don't think any offering from them could have. If people aren't playing LoL or Dota they're likely not playing at all. There's already been a ton of MOBAs that try to offer a little twist on the formula and nobody cares. It's like today's Battle Royale Scene; Battlegrounds grew the audience and Fortnite grew it more. Everyone has played this genre by now and are committed to one game or another. It would be a waste to show up now and think you're going to be the next 'king'.

Looking at Grinding Gear Games, I think they not only made a great ARPG but also designed a system for how a game should stay relevant over time.

They have their 'base game'. Every 4-5 months they roll out a temp season which introduces new items/mechanics/goals. That season acts effectively as a PTR to flush out the design/address issues. You then add it to the base game and roll out another temp season. It constantly brings players back in a way that doesn't feel stale. I just wish they would bring back race seasons.

If you look at D3's seasons - Blizzard doesn't actually add anything to the game. They change around the stats on existing gear. They've recently begun to do their own 'PoE leagues' and what has it been? Double Goblins, Double loot for bounties and now a free ring of grandeur applied to your character - None of these things have added actual new content to the game - it's just a spicier boost to what you've always had in the past. They're fucking clueless over there.

I like the idea behind what Blizzard is doing with WoW: You have BFA launch this year and about 1 year after that (half way through the expack's life but 100% of the way through the content) they'll launch classic WoW; a sort of temp league to occupy players until the next expansion. It's a great idea.... but will really only work once. Nobody will clamor for Classic WoW again half way through the next expansion. Maybe they'll do a TBC server. That's fine. And then a WotlK 2 years after that.... but that's it. Nobody will give a fuck about Cata/Mop/Wod/LGBQT servers.

k, mmos are in fact shittier than before, no1 matched the quality of vanilla wow... including wow itself which has gone to shit since activision... theres a reason theyre rereleasing vanilla wow ;)

seen fallout76? ya, thats your latest attempt at an mmo. and even thats getting attention despite how dogshit it is.

once again, its only dead cuz the games suck shit. still nothing matching quality of sc1 and wc3 in all this time. the idea of RTS isnt dead though, were an amazing RTS to be released today itd be popular.

poe actually proves my point about mmos and rts. if poe didnt exist, youd say ARPG genre dead... well it were dead, no1 would play PoE, yet its a huge success. you can also argue warframe, is an ARPG, which is a huge hit too.... unless youre super strict about ARPG meaning isometric. btw diablo4 was planned to be a 3rdperson fps ;)

its perfectly ok a genre to be defined by one spectacular game, like it was with wow@mmos. and honestly if dota+lol disappeared and another great one magically replaced them, itd be immediately popular. also a game like a moba or any team based fps can really only have 1 or 2 kings of the hill since they require huge dedicated fanbases to exist and make proper match making viable. thats why other moba attempts fail, cuz they only offer small twists, and not huge leaps enuf to rip away invested lol+dota nerds... its also a similar story with mmos.

cliffs: no genre ever dies... poor execution and crappy clones just put a genre to sleep, until the next big thing reawakens it. people overall dont get bored of a particular genre-- consider new generations, not just old gen gamers who get bored of a genre.
For those of you who enjoyed hearthstone but grew tired of it, look into Artifact. Comes out in 5 days and is $20 but recent info shows that the economy should make competitive decks very affordable, and they added a free version of limited as well. Gameplay is much more dependant on your decisions on where to place your hero cards than on how lucky you get with card draw.

ya im hoping its the next big CCG, esp with valves backing... other attempts have been pretty shit, like gwent and well lets just say MTG doesnt work as an online game--- theyve tried it like 10 times already lol.

only thing keeping HS alive is the polish, graphics, theme... so all the superficial fucks are still around. but you can tell the top players/streamers hate the fuck out of the game and only stick around cuz viewers=$$$ and change game=bye bye viewers... if viewers switch to artifact, itll quickly gain some top streamer personalities along with it.

why isnt it F2P though? do you get the cards free or something in exchange for the upfront 20$?
You get the game two pre-defined basic decks of cards to play constructed and then 10 free card packs of 12 cards each. Card packs are $2 each, so you basically get 10 packs for $20 as well as the base game and 2 starter decks, as well as 5 event tickets that are normally $1. But there is no free grinding for packs. You can play the draft mode for free, or use the event tickets for expert modes that if you win 3 games or more before losing 2 games, you will win the ticket back and some packs. You can buy event tickets for a dollar or basically dust 20 commons for a ticket. Can buy individual cards you need from steam marketplace instead of opening 100s of packs and praying.
I haven't looked into it properly because I don't give a shit

but I read the exact opposite about Artifact - that it's the worst yet in terms of $$$ spent in order to play properly
You get the game two pre-defined basic decks of cards to play constructed and then 10 free card packs of 12 cards each. Card packs are $2 each, so you basically get 10 packs for $20 as well as the base game and 2 starter decks, as well as 5 event tickets that are normally $1. But there is no free grinding for packs. You can play the draft mode for free, or use the event tickets for expert modes that if you win 3 games or more before losing 2 games, you will win the ticket back and some packs. You can buy event tickets for a dollar or basically dust 20 commons for a ticket. Can buy individual cards you need from steam marketplace instead of opening 100s of packs and praying.

this sounds awful
might as well play mtg
Shes likes that. Talk to her nasty next time, tell her "Do the dishes bitch".. she loves that. "Make me a sandwich".

I was thinking of that but she told me that you were in the kitchen doing that already and she didn't want to disturb you.
I would have replied earlier but she ordered me to roll her a stack of tampons.
k, mmos are in fact shittier than before, no1 matched the quality of vanilla wow... including wow itself which has gone to shit since activision... theres a reason theyre rereleasing vanilla wow ;)

seen fallout76? ya, thats your latest attempt at an mmo. and even thats getting attention despite how dogshit it is.

Ugh, FO76 is not a latest attempt at an MMO, it an attempt at a cash grab using a decade old engine to rehash FO to idiots. You don't announce an "MMO' and release it 6 fucking months later. C'mon man.

As for the "quality" argument - quality isn't enough. It has to be exciting and playing essentially the same game (quality or otherwise) for more than a decade is not exciting. This is the same for why RTS is dead. People have 'done it' and moved the fuck on. Your subjective opinion 'games ARE shittier' is just that. Games like TOR, RIFT, Warhammer, BDO, FFXIV, WildStar are all technically more "quality" than what WoW offered back in 2005 and it counts for a whopping fuck all.

All the points I made regarding MMORPGs still holds.

once again, its only dead cuz the games suck shit. still nothing matching quality of sc1 and wc3 in all this time. the idea of RTS isnt dead though, were an amazing RTS to be released today itd be popular.

There has to be a demand or at least a desire to play an RTS. Who's asking for that?

Do you know what a game that nobody asked for looks like? It looks like Lawbreakers. And what did Cliffy B do right after that shit show? Radical Heights (I'll refer you to my post about MOBAs/BR to forecast how that turned out)

List of real-time strategy video games - Wikipedia
1997-2007 is what an active genre looks like. People stop playing these games. Companies stop making them because they don't make money. It's dead, Jim

poe actually proves my point about mmos and rts. if poe didnt exist, youd say ARPG genre dead... well it were dead, no1 would play PoE, yet its a huge success. you can also argue warframe, is an ARPG, which is a huge hit too.... unless youre super strict about ARPG meaning isometric. btw diablo4 was planned to be a 3rdperson fps ;)

I would still claim the genre is dead. 1 game doesn't make an entire genre. Warframe is more of an MMORPG than it is an ARPG. The focus of that game is to level your frame and weapons. it's an EXP grinding game.