Blizzard fuck up once more.


Veteran X
Temporary item buffs (e.g. poisons, sharpening stones and shaman weapon buffs) will no longer persist through zoning or logging out due to technical issues. This feature is anticipated to be activated once more with the expansion.

Awesome, can't wait! Blizzard just can't get it right, I can't wait two weeks so I can go back to my druid. Looks like my timeline will go:-
Hit rank 14[one week later]Rogue review[one second later]Play druid!
$500 says there's a way to exploit the feature to give yourself an advantage.

Detrimental bugs get fixed "eventually" (i.e.: Never), but if it helps the players in any way, we better hotfix that shit, and if it breaks other shit, oh well, can't have people enjoying themselves!
a 20 stack of crip, dp5 or IP6(6 right?) costs 2.5-3g,

add that to bandages, pots and food, blind/vanish reagents and rogues now really have to pay to play in pvp
damn, 5 oils got me through more than enough of my taste of pvp. Now it's back to using them only on long games.