Blizzard Forbids “Okay” Symbol in Overwatch League Arena

gr8 wyte trash cuckpost upd8 cumdumplin u anudda pussyass wyte trash fukn l0s3r dat bettr off ded 2 smdh lol :jester:
i made this sign in a picture and everyone lost their shit. PEople been doing this symbol for that stupid game we played in highschool. Everything that was ever fun has been pushed as a white power agenda. lol
i guess some ppl haven't been around long enough to hear of streisand effect

no1 knew what this shit was til they started tryin 2 ban it
i made this sign in a picture and everyone lost their shit. PEople been doing this symbol for that stupid game we played in highschool. Everything that was ever fun has been pushed as a white power agenda. lol
It's part of their agenda. Infiltrate everything white males enjoy, complain about it heavily to the outrage mobs on twitter to force action, create and implement new Marxist rules and watch the white males leave the hobby/whatever.

There is this guy I watch on youtube and he basically focuses on all the escape mechanisms that males enjoy, and how the blue-hairs are actively destroying it. I guess he used to play some card game and was personally targeted by the Marxists which really affected him personally. Instead of just taking it, he altered his youtube channel and 'reports' on their constant attacks in all the male based escape mechanisms, ie - video games, card games, board games, anime, movies designed towards males etc.

The Marxists are targeting anything that white males enjoy and through their outrage mobs and threats of 'boycotting' something they were never interested in begin with, they are getting these companies to alter their product to be more 'inclusive'. the Jewish hatred for white males is in full public view but should you/anyone dare stand in their way, expect their outrage mobs to target you. lol.
It's part of their agenda. Infiltrate everything white males enjoy, complain about it heavily to the outrage mobs on twitter to force action, create and implement new Marxist rules and watch the white males leave the hobby/whatever.

There is this guy I watch on youtube and he basically focuses on all the escape mechanisms that males enjoy, and how the blue-hairs are actively destroying it. I guess he used to play some card game and was personally targeted by the Marxists which really affected him personally. Instead of just taking it, he altered his youtube channel and 'reports' on their constant attacks in all the male based escape mechanisms, ie - video games, card games, board games, anime, movies designed towards males etc.

The Marxists are targeting anything that white males enjoy and through their outrage mobs and threats of 'boycotting' something they were never interested in begin with, they are getting these companies to alter their product to be more 'inclusive'. the Jewish hatred for white males is in full public view but should you/anyone dare stand in their way, expect their outrage mobs to target you. lol.

isn't a simpler explanation that the queers just like the same things white males do because most of the stuff white males like has nothing to do with being white or male (e.g. a car or pretzels). then they want more queer flavors for the pretzels and some people are like okay that's fine and other people are like i will never buy a pretzel again so long as you make queer flavors even though the nonqueer flavored pretzels still taste 99% the same.

most things are motivated by personal desires in my cinematic universe
I kind of wonder if the person who came up with this particular troll on 4chan feels proud or guilty about it's effectiveness.
:lol: fucking far left regressives...battling perceived authoritarianism with actual authoritarianism.

4chan’s next trick is to make clowns racist.

Meanwhile black hebrew isrealites, an actual violent racial supremacist organization, have multiple chapters open in almost every city in the united states.
This next generation after the millennials is going to slaughter their parents.

You can only be told so many times how evil you are before you embrace it and skull fuck everyone