Black Lives Matter

yeah i didn't expect the same level of honesty back, its ok

i mean ive talked about my business, where ive lived IN DETAIL including pics of the views from my residences and literally google maps with my apartment building circled, had LANs at my house, met probably at least 40 tribers IRL, people here have my name, phone numbers, address and social medias

heck JohnWayne lived on my couch for like 2 weeks

but i guess i just need to be more honest with tw

i think maybe the only other person more open about his IRL shit here is goshin and his infinite shirtless pics

i still wish you the best, honestly

i really shouldn't take up this much of your time or energy or thought - i only gave you this much of mine since you totally only spent 5 minutes on that PS, i figured it was fair to give you a real answer and a chance to backup your claims and be equally honest

but if you have no interest in that, what can i do :shrug:
i just want you to be honest here and admit that you acted super upset in discord and on tw when i posted that picture of you from your instagram and you instantly locked your instagram and freaked the fuck out. i know i won't be able to get you to be honest and admit that you asked someone on tw to remove it the first time i posted it here, and i can't prove it that you did or didn't as of now (unless some moderator on tw will admit they did it for you). the fact remains though that you constantly talk about how it doesn't bother you, even if i don't even mention it, and that makes it a bit sus that you might still be triggered even after the however many years it's been since i first found your instagram. :shrug:

but yeah, no hard feelings man. don't be triggered, i'm just joking with you with that picture.
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i just want you to be honest here and admit that you acted super upset in discord and on tw when i posted that picture of you from your instagram and you instantly locked your instagram and freaked the fuck out. i know i won't be able to get you to be honest and admit that you asked someone on tw to remove it the first time i posted it here, and i can't prove it that you did or didn't as of now (unless some moderator on tw will admit they did it for you). the fact remains though that you constantly talk about how it doesn't bother you, even if i don't even mention it, and that makes it a bit sus that you might still be triggered even after the however many years it's been since i first found your instagram. :shrug:

but yeah, no hard feelings man. don't be triggered, i'm just joking with you with that picture.

you posted the pic and my instagram was still public for at least 6 months after that, you yourself even pointed that out in some post a few years ago but i guess now the story changes again

and i've said it before but as far as i know, your post with that picture is still up in its original thread - i laughed at the time and didnt care. tele reposted it in another thread like a month later and it was quoted from there, did i wait a month to report it? how does that make ANY sense to you?

it was in your sig for like 2 years and i never said a thing, i thought it was hilarious and I'm the one constantly talking about it?

the things you say literally dont make any logical sense, man - and i'm even more shocked that you actually believe them

like, obviously provable lies here that your own posts have contradicted and I'M the dishonest one
you posted the pic and my instagram was still public for at least 6 months after that, you yourself even pointed that out in some post a few years ago but i guess now the story changes again

and i've said it before but as far as i know, your post with that picture is still up in its original thread - i laughed at the time and didnt care. tele reposted it in another thread like a month later and it was quoted from there, did i wait a month to report it? how does that make ANY sense to you?

it was in your sig for like 2 years and i never said a thing, i thought it was hilarious and I'm the one constantly talking about it?

the things you say literally dont make any logical sense, man - and i'm even more shocked that you actually believe them

like, obviously provable lies here that your own posts have contradicted and I'M the dishonest one

the first post of your picture i made on tw was removed probably within an hour, maybe a bit more than an hour. i certainly recall that you locked your instagram and bitched me out right after i posted it in discord. so again, you are a habitual liar.
the first post of your picture i made on tw was removed probably within an hour, maybe a bit more than an hour. i certainly recall that you locked your instagram and bitched me out right after i posted it in discord. so again, you are a habitual liar.

is this REALLY what you've twisted your memory into remembering

you literally bragged about how my instagram was public long after

and the original pic you posted on TW was up for at least a few days before tele reposted it and probably more like a month

did you get an infraction for this? if it happened, you should have one so it should be really easy to find and we can see when it was made and when it was edited - would be news to me. this should be like, the easiest thing you can do to prove your memory is correct, just hit user CP and find the infraction and when it was posted and if it was edited as you say, when. if i'm wrong, i'll gladly admit it.

like, if i've given out so much information on myself and posted pics of myself a bunch of times why would i care - none of what you're claiming makes any logical sense
i can't believe ive replied this much already im done oncall finally yay no more getting paid to post on tw later dooders

havax if you can show the infraction and back up your claim that it was edited within an hour, maybe i was wrong - i can admit that. should be really really easy to prove

this thread should really be about dog pics/names again tho its far less gay than this conversation and im supergay
i can't believe ive replied this much already im done oncall finally yay no more getting paid to post on tw later dooders

havax if you can show the infraction and back up your claim that it was edited within an hour, maybe i was wrong - i can admit that. should be really really easy to prove

this thread should really be about dog pics/names again tho its far less gay than this conversation and im supergay

i found a PM i sent to someone about it back then.


notice the date. it must have been around then that i posted the original post, but i'm having trouble finding it. maybe it was removed from my imgur account instead of tw because someone reported the imgur link, either way, i do remember the original post being reported and taken down through tw or imgur pretty quickly. maybe you can help me find it, bro.
can you get punished for trying to next someone and get no infraction? i still have an infraction from fool from 10+ years ago on my profile for posting NSFW

the way i remember it happening - your post was up for at least a month before tele reposted it and his got edited by a mod

i never checked back on your post so i assume its still there, you claim otherwise and yet don't have an infraction for it? again, what you're saying doesn't make sense - and you can't seem to prove any of it

and honestly the final thing, that PM is so sad dude. i've had ppl send me stuff about you and i never sent out PM's like 'hey you should fuck with havax IRL' thats just ... wow man, i never knew i really got to you that badly, once again im sorry

just... wow
i've had ppl send me stuff about you

i know you have.

you and vanster pm each other.

and you and cum dumplins were stalking my reddit/twitter in discord.

but you go ahead and take the virtuous guy road.

and yeah, i did like fucking with you, it was fun. you got triggered and went on rants. :shrug:

btw, i never told anyone to fuck with you IRL, i just suggested a bit of fun with your picture to make you rant, that's all.
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i already told u ive never pm'd or been pm'd by vanster

i dont know what else to tell you man but that pm to tele is ... i can't even laught at how sad it is.

i thought he got the pic from your thread, i had no idea you were sending out messages with what you thought was my real name for who knows how long before and to who knows how many people trying to get them to fuck with me IRL

that message proves that was your intention

people have pm'd me stuff about you, i looked and laughed and went on with my life, dude. you searched for it, saved it, pored over it regularly and sent it around trying to get people to fuck with me IRL - try and claim otherwise but your PM proves it for anyone to see

and you sent that PM BEFORE you claim that im a liar about this incident, so there was some grudge before that and this is before i swapped your sig out to say incel4lyfe for a month, right?

holy insanity
i already told u ive never pm'd or been pm'd by vanster

i dont know what else to tell you man but that pm to tele is ... i can't even laught at how sad it is.

i thought he got the pic from your thread, i had no idea you were sending out messages with what you thought was my real name for who knows how long before and to who knows how many people trying to get them to fuck with me IRL

that message proves that was your intention

people have pm'd me stuff about you, i looked and laughed and went on with my life, dude. you searched for it, saved it, pored over it regularly and sent it around trying to get people to fuck with me IRL - try and claim otherwise but your PM proves it for anyone to see

and you sent that PM BEFORE you claim that im a liar about this incident, so there was some grudge before that and this is before i swapped your sig out to say incel4lyfe for a month, right?

holy insanity

again, it wasn't about fucking with you IRL, you are just making shit up now. it was to get a rise out of you for the picture, which it ALWAYS does. also, right there in the pm i said what happened, as i remember, you got real pissy in discord with me and then i could not get into your instagram like immediately, so i don't know why you are denying it and calling me a liar.
I think a gay would have better bed linen anyway.

I just bought two pairs of shoes/boots like the pic. I wear proper pants that actually are the correct length for an adult so they actually look OK. Every time I have worn them someone says 'nice shoes'. So that's nice I suppose.
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more threads where havax is basically nexting people after he cried about how someone tried to next him and nothing is sacred lol.