Black in America- Fuck you


Tribalwar Overlord
Veteran XX
I am so fucking tired of hearing how blacks get treated differently in America more pointedly to get something out of it. The race card is getting old and even CNN is hoping on Obama faggot train:
Reid, who is African-American, firmly believes that if he'd been a white man, the junior doctor wouldn't have been so quick to order the cheaper and more drastic solution over his objections.
It is getting fucking overbearing and it is making me hate blacks more. (never did before but I am NOW)
Should we tell SS the news? Or should we keep him mushroomed?

Well, I am all for informing the sheeple so here goes SS:
Now he just wants to let it all go.... and hopes his terrible ordeal can help race relations. This guy is a piece of work.
Yeah I'm honestly sick of hearing about it being so hard to be black. Every time some black guy plays that card, he's just filling the stereotype that blacks are whiny bitches who want everything for free.

They had that "black in america 2" shit on when I was in the gym friday. In one segment they have a clinic that only serves black guys and it's free. And if you did that with only white guys they would say it's racist and sexist. Doesn't matter if you did it in a trailer park, you would get someone whining about it.

Hell if you did it with any other race it would be considered racist. That's some double standard bullshit and stuff like that goes on all the time.