[BETA] allpeers firefox extension released

to share:

click on the "share" button on the toolbar. drag the FILES ([strike]NOT FOLDERS[/strike] if you share a folder, only the files directly inside of it will be shared. any folders inside of the first will not be shared.) into the box marked "drag selected files and folders here" or whatever it says.

highlight the names of everyone on the list below it that you want to share with. you can select which people can see which files. this allows you to share porn with your buddy rick, and only show your grandma the beatles mp3s you have.

after selecting all the names, hit "share"

if you are trying to share too many files, you'll be waiting for a few minutes. otherwise the sidebar will just disappear. click on your name on the left sidebar at the top of the list of "groups." if you're succesfully sharing, it should list all your files there.
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to see what another person has, click their name in the left sidebar. it'll say either "When <USER> shares some files with you, they will be displayed here." or it will just list the shared files.

right now the only person actually sharing with me is kloa
Apperantly, I'm sharing everything I have just fine with everyone. What I want to know now is, can I change where I download stuff to?

Also, I still don't have you in my friends, Hologram.
yeah I got one of the infected mushroom songs. it took fucking forever, but i got it.

myran, you're showing up as disconnected on my screen.
C:\Documents and Settings\Desktop\allpeers\kloa.tw\Infected Mushroom - Gamma Goblins (Remix).mp3

^^^ that's where the files will show up i guess.
well its either an incredible coincidence or something really fucked up... all the vids i tried to share now come up corupt and will not open. :\
well its either an incredible coincidence or something really fucked up... all the vids i tried to share now come up corupt and will not open. :\


the ones i shared seemed to work ok, but i'm gonna give allpeers a rest for now and wait for a later version.
Maybe it's because I'm on Linux, but with allpeer installed, my FF startup time goes from <1 second to about 8-10 seconds.

That's just annoying, so I'll wait until a later release.