Best Mayor in the Country


Veteran XV
Award goes to Kwame Kilpatrick of Detroit, Michigan!

  • In May 2005, the Detroit Free Press reported that over the first 33 months of his term, Kilpatrick had charged over $210,000 on his city-issued credit card for travel, meals, and entertainment
  • Kilpatrick's first controversy started as rumors of a wild party in the fall of 2002 involving strippers at the official residence of the mayor—the city-owned Manoogian Mansion.
  • In July of 2003, WXYZTV reported that Kwame Kilpatrick was seen riding the streets of Detroit on a Harley-Davidson Electra Glide police motorcycle which was taken from the Detroit Police Motorcycle Squad by Kilpatrick.
  • In January 2008, The Detroit Free Press examined and revealed the existence of more than 14,000 text messages exchanged between Kilpatrick and his chief of staff Christine Beatty on their city issued SkyTel pagers between September–October 2002 and April–May 2003.
  • In 2005, WXYZ-TV reporter Steve Wilson reported that the city had entered an expensive one year lease for a luxury SUV. It was to be used to chauffeur the mayor's family. The lease was for $24,995; five dollars under the amount that would have required the approval of city council.
  • It was revealed on July 15, 2008 by WXYZ reporter Steve Wilson, that in 2005 Kwame Kilpatrick, Christine Beatty, and the chief of police Ella Bully-Cummings allegedly used their positions to help an influential Baptist minister arrested for soliciting a prostitute to have the case dismissed.
  • Tamara Greene was a 27-year-old exotic dancer who went by the name "Strawberry" and who claimed to have performed at the Manoogian Mansion party. While sitting in her car with her boyfriend, Greene was shot multiple times with a .40 caliber Glock handgun.

I think sending 14,000 text messages to his mistress is a little childish, but all this other stuff makes him seem like a pretty cool dude. Congrats Mistah Mayor on a job well done!

His little State of the City speech had this little gem:
"...And finally, and this may be the most talked-about part of this speech after laying out all of that, but I feel that I cannot leave this auditorium with my wife and my sons sitting there without addressing this issue. In the past 30 days I've been called a nigger more than anytime in my entire life. In the past three days I've received more death threats than I have in my entire administration. I've heard these words before but I've never heard people say them about my wife and children. I have to say this because it's very personal to me. I don't believe that a Nielsen rating is worth the life of my children or your children. This unethical, illegal lynch mob mentality has to stop. And it's seriously time. We've never been here before. And I don't care if they cut the TV off. We've never been in a situation like this before. Where you can say anything, do anything, have no facts, no research, no nothing and you can launch a hate-driven bigoted assault on a family. I humbly ask members of the council, I humbly ask the business community, I humbly ask the religious community, I humbly ask the brothers and sisters of the city of Detroit - I humbly ask that we say 'no more' together. I humbly ask that we say no more together. I love this city with every part of my being. I will continue to stay focused on building the next Detroit. God Bless you, Detroit. I love you."

Must be tough being a well-respected, wealthy black man in today's society!
[*]In 2005, WXYZ-TV reporter Steve Wilson reported that the city had entered an expensive one year lease for a luxury SUV. It was to be used to chauffeur the mayor's family. The lease was for $24,995; five dollars under the amount that would have required the approval of city council.


At least he's a smart bastard.
Wrong, foo. Mayor McCheese is the best mayor in the country.

He's so awesome.....he's everything GOOD about Michigan.

Oh, and we have a Democrat, Woman, Canadian at the helm. Bitch.
How could you forgot costing the City of Detroit $8.4 million for the wrongful termination lawsuit against Kwame for firing the cops investigating him?
why do niggers love escalades so much i never understood they are giant pieces of shit when you get inside and look at the interior, why not just get a Benz/BMW, black people are fucking stupid.
why do niggers love escalades so much i never understood they are giant pieces of shit when you get inside and look at the interior, why not just get a Benz/BMW, black people are fucking stupid.
Because they're all about outer appearance, but care little for actual substance.
Because they're all about outer appearance, but care little for actual substance.
ur dum

it's because they need something big enough to live in after they get evicted because they can't afford their apartment rent.

their just planning for the future. it's just like getting an IRA, duh.