Best looking/easiest UI

Osurak said:
what are you running osurak?
The pic is not mine, its a guildmates, but we use it as an example whenever we're talking about custom UIs

its pretty much all Discord UI stuff, as well as Recap (combat stats), titan bar (stuff on the bottom middle), CT raid assist (obv), and I *think* flexbar for the buttons

The UIs from Discord are pretty complicated, and you're going to spend a decent amount of time setting them up, but as you can see they look pretty fucking good.

Here's another example of a UI using discord:

I'm working on one for my priest, but 1.10 is probably going to break a lot of discord shit so I think it would be smarter to wait until all the shit is fixed before spending too much time making the UI look nice.
Has recap added a data sync feature? A single person's record of damage will be widly different from someone else's in large raids due to distance limitations and what not. Last time I used recap, such a feature was not present

My guild and pretty much all other raids on my server use DamageMeters for the data sync function so that everyone knows where they really stand on combat stats
juicyfrys said:
Makes vael very easy so it doesn't suck all that much :\

Yeah, but even a MONKEY can figure out off the top of their head where they are on the aggro list on Vael. Even I can do it, and about the only person in my guild denser than me is False. (Poor False, he's not really that dense, he just has these Don Quixote-esque moments of epic overconfidence and obliviousness. He'd make for a good book, I think, or at least a passable and somewhat disturbing fanfic.)
It's more for just knowing which tank is up next for the turn. And for people to go more out on Vael. We had no problem before without it, but this just garuntees that it is perfectly smooth.
We started using Threat meter last week, and we love it. Our caster are able to go much harder then they previously though they could.
well maybe thats because the Threat meter is bugged with warlocks. It makes them #1 on aggro when they really arent and it makes their damage much higher than normal.

besides that though its pretty accurate.
im gonna go shoot some heroin now.
Where do I snag it? Is this the same addon that lagged really bad? Some of our mages are being assholes have fallen in love with their damage, and I want to see who climbs to the top first as I usually miss the first agro rip. We didn't have a problem on Vael without it as people were extra cautious on that fight, but others, it's just a pain in the ass chasing mobs around.

edit: curse-gaming is down :(
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