Best Custom PC companies?


Veteran X
Hi, what are some company names for custom built PCs besides the big names like Alienware, Falcon, Puget, etc.?

I remember seeing a link on here with a site that builds PCs close to newegg prices but can't remember the name.

classifieds if you want a good pc without paying 5k for a blinky light and an alienware sticker
I've built all my previous computers but I remember seeing this company that does it for me at almost no cost vs newegg. I wish I could remember the company name. But I don't mind paying a 5-10% premium, not the ridiculous prices from Alienware and such.
i really dont get why its so difficult to put it together yourself

theres only like 6-7 components and u'll have a superior and cheaper PC than any of the crap dell/alienware/etc would make.
is pc power and cooling still the best power supply? i used to start with that, then case, mobo, video etc. i always built midrange gaming, high end was always just too pricey