best affordable printer 13"x19"

i did my homework on this months ago. there is pretty much no all around awesome 13x19" printer for under a grand. the best bang for your buck is the pixma 9000 especially with a constant ink system dealie

avoid that epson... for your health
I bought the Epson R1900 for about 500 bucks on amazon. Mainly, I chose it over the canon 9000 cuz the pigment based inks and the fact that the 9000 is getting to be an older unit. The Epson ultrachrome inks are very good and stand up extremely well to normal display methods(glass, frame). Youll get about 90+ years of display on good paper. Thats about as good as any chemically developed pics. The inks themselves cost about 12 bucks a pop so thats about 100 bucks whenever you need to refill. Youll be refilling certain colors more than others, though. Stock up on cyan, red, black, and magenta.

If youre gonna spend money on a mid-level medium format professional quality printer, then you might as well it on something good. Youll be happier in the end.
seriously, if you plan on using a consumer level printer like the ones mentioned for something that is going to be on display or for a portfolio, dont bother with spending tons of money on a midrange printer. buy something to get you by and just send your stuff off to a print shop...

are you going to be printing photographs or traditional artwork?
A) Spend $1000 on a printer that is going to print amateur quality prints.

B) Spend $1000 getting 100+ pictures printed at a professional lab


Kind regards

Edit: I have no idea what 13x19 prints cost. Work it out. Think about how many you're going to print.
I will be printing mainly graphic portfolio pieces and other print media, so durability is more important than longevity.. I think?
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Everyone will think that their printer is the best but just read user and professional reviews and you will hear the same thing over and over about mid-grade EPSON printers- they look great, when they work right.

Just get your shit printed at a print shop. As a designer I would never print a showpiece at home. Employers can tell if you sent this out or just ran it through your fancy inkjet. In the professional world, you will usually have stuff sent out to be printed. That said, your ability to do this with great results (accurate color) is a bonus.

You could get an incredibly nice 11x17 printer for much less. Does photo paper come in 13x19 and not 11x17?