Battlefield V Open Beta

i tried it out and had fun (and the game looks great) but doubt i will buy...i hate the capture point gamplay of bf series for the most part

doesnt this game also have a BR mode - just not in the beta yet?
battle royale. thats going to be the thing for every game. And it seems like every game has elements of pubg in it now. Dropping in by chute, ammo/equip that is picked up off the ground. I watched a stream today of the new BLOPS and its looks like pubg more or less. also has a BR mode
2K games similar tier jewery as EA... asking all its customers to tell belgium government they desperately want lootboxes back :rofl:

and it makes sense given how their games are practically all about lootboxes

wouldnt be suprised if theres some TW tards who play this one... given how we have several EA stooges in this thread.
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It wasn't till they tried their lootbox shit with PC games that blew up in their face, they really screwed up because now the cornerstone of their money empire is at risk of collapsing.

if you look at their financial statements it's like 800 million a year from their console sports title lootbox crap.
im just curious if these regulations will extend to mobile market... which is like 95% lootboxes lol
im just curious if these regulations will extend to mobile market... which is like 95% lootboxes lol

I hope so. People (idiots) defend it by saying it allows developers to turn a profit on a difficult industry to succeed in.

The truth is, it allows lazy devs to copy/paste games in an over-saturated market and still turn a profit. How many god damn 'match 3' games are out there for phones? It's rare to even find a game for mobile devices which you pay for outright and have unlimited play time.

Anyway, I just came here to leave this:

i honestly dont see the big deal with loot boxes.
i guess they can be considered gambling... but do people not have self control? if you dont want them dont buy them. if you dont like the way a game uses them, don't play it.
i honestly dont see the big deal with loot boxes.
i guess they can be considered gambling... but do people not have self control? if you dont want them dont buy them. if you dont like the way a game uses them, don't play it.


they are gambling, absolutely. Especially where the extortion of money from children is the main aim, even though it's all Dad's money anyway.

I like your argument though, they need to apply that to all those pesky laws about drugs and guns as well.
Do people not have self control? If you saw how much money loot boxes generate for these companies you would know the answer to that question. It's pretty clear that there is is something wrong when EA publishes profits in excess of $800M from digital purchases in a single year.

All of which speaks nothing to the fact that a loot box is anti-consumer. Want to buy a cosmetic item? Well you can't. Go ahead and buy a chance at having it. Didn't get it? well just try a couple more times. Still no? We'll you've already spent $20 trying to obtain the skin you want and you still don't have it so you may as well keep going or else that $20 was wasted....

Loot boxes obfuscate the actual costs of purchasing cosmetic items. People defend them saying "it would be more expensive to buy everything directly" which would be true if you assume that I want to buy every single microtransaction (even that word is designed to be disarming and seemingly nominal) item created (80% of which are just loot box filler to dilute the odds of getting what you actually wanted).

At least with direct purchasing I can make an informed decision. If I wanted a cosmetic item, I could see the cost and decide if I want to buy it at that price or not. Loot boxes are so profitable because they strip the consumer of that purchasing choice and train them to repetitively make small purchases to mask the total spending over the course of many months/years. On top of that, you can throw in the 'limited time availability' events games like Overwatch and LoL continually cycle through in order to place urgency on spending/gambling rather than allow the player to purchase when it's convenient for them - I would argue many of the people who think they practice self-control over digital spending are likely influenced heavily by the game itself without taking much notice.