Battlefield 5

how does tw still have such low standards... or is this a my-kid-plays-this-shit-game-so-i-must-like-it parent thing.
I might get it in a few months.

He says not enough vehicles, bit too much like CoD. I don't care for SP.

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The videos this guy puts out are usually really good. Well, at least all the ones I have watched have been.
the worthabuy guy sucks at videogames

I like Mac's views on FPS cause he's an old school quake player who does not like CoD, and random shit that gives nooobs an edge (SW Battlefuk / OverWank). Thus his taste is similar to mine, except I don't care about single player mode. He was a competitive quake player 20 years ago.
The recharging Q button special ability assigned to each character adds op randomness. After playing for only 2 hours I took out 3 players using the Q button (it was a ridiculous inbuilt aim-bot function with a slow mo cam angle) got play of the match for that move and topped the table. That's crap. Being on the other end of what I did with 2 hours exp would be irritating. I can see how some would like that randomness. I've liked all blizzard games I've played except OW. OW is not for me.


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The recharging Q button special ability assigned to each character adds op randomness. After playing for only 2 hours I took out 3 players using the Q button (it was a ridiculous inbuilt aim-bot function with a slow mo cam angle) got play of the match for that move and topped the table. That's crap. Being on the other end of what I did with 2 hours exp would be irritating. I can see how some would like that randomness. I've liked all blizzard games I've played except OW.

I mean all I'm gonna say is if you play it for longer than 2 hours you develop enough gamesense to know when and where the enemy is gonna be looking to use their ultimate(something each character has and generates at a predictable manner) and force them to waste it or use it at inopportune times

I respect it's not for you but it's not just people pressing q to win the game after getting shit on
problem with OW isnt so much the ults as it is the new hard counter direction in character design which is a major nono in game design... how jeff kaplan rolling with this amazes me.

yes ults are a problem too and should either be toned down or require more skill and/or offer more counterplay. i dont like how theyre generated either. i think just long cooldowns is better.

summing it all up:
The "Coin-Flip" problem with games isn't an OverWatch thing...

When I played serious World of Tanks, this also became a problem... where it didn't feel like the game was trying to curate my online experience to ensure I had fun... but instead curate it so as to balance some statistical meta going on in the background... the fallacy of some impossible notion that everyone performs at a predetermined benchmark the same for everyone.

So, eventually it became obvious that the game was obsessed with achieving a global balance in the performance of players and if you are over-performing the game worked to try and cut you down, but if you are under-performing it would build you up.

The comment that whether or not a player should expect to have fun shouldn't be left to a coin-flip of some random match making formula... that reminded me of why I eventually abandoned World of Tanks... too many games were a waste of my time and I had no control over it. The match the system organized was not going to be fun for me and the game didn't care so long as its deterministic criteria was satisfied.

In the early days, watching games end with a blow-out of one team crushing the other was uncommon... then overtime, it became all too common. Like every other game one team is mauled to death in a 15-0 contest.

It all comes down to backend meddling and the constant tweaking and tuning of the formula until a fixed notion of what an ideal outcome should be... (qoutey-fingers) *fair and balanced* game is acheived... but never comes.
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Ow has 2 problems really

1) Brigitte is a very low skill cap hero who hard counters a few characters simply by existing wheras before her, hard counters could be played around and weren't an autolose
2) teamwork is the most important thing in the game. You can have 6 guys who are mechanically much more gifted than their opponents but get entirely shit on if the other team has any semblance of coordination. When ppl talk about a coin flip in Ow, what they're really talking about is if you get teammates who are going to play as a unit vs a guy who thinks his team is shit so he tries to carry and it ruins the entire experience for everyone. This isn't at all unique to ow however, it's pretty much par for the course for every team based game with matchmaking you can queue for solo. Ow in a scrim/pug environment is a totally different game than solo queue