[Batmam] Entitlement

Get woke go broke

Why can’t they make an entertaining action show without resorting to some sort of “I’m a woman not a man” quip every 5min?

Have people not watched alien?
Write an awesome, strong character. It’s that simple.
Some of the youtube comments on the original vid :lol:

Writers: How much feminism do you want?
CW: Yes.
dis is raciss transphobic body shaming etc etc

i demand full wokeness bat....entity be tranny pedo midget nigger NOW... or ill pull the twitter trigger!
how can a woman be batman, this is dumb shit of the highest level

I could handle a female James Bond (Julie Bond?) but this shit is too much
fembond would have to be a lesbo cuz bond girls r requirement of bond movies... not bond bois
They wanted to make Halle Berry's Jinx from Die Another Day into a spin off Bond franchise.
i just can't believe that the CW network is so blatantly disregarding it's 30-48 year old white male audience.
isnt every CW show like this

Unfortunately they are now. They didn't start that way. Flash has it the least but there are signs its coming and rumors as well Danielle Panabaker and Candace (iris) have been fighting a lot on set and they are apparently phasing Panabaker out and gonna make Iris more active with the team and she has no powers nor is there any basis for Iris to fight villains in the comics. (she is already a mary sue when she goes out with them using some energy weapon.
ooooo nice anudda movie only 4 da biggest scumfux n trash of n e race dat betta off ded 4sho smdh lol :jester: