[Baseball Sucks] Fan Dies at Rangers Game

I played baseball for 7 years as a kid. I loved the game, and kept up with the Astro's seasons pretty closely. Now I can't make it through the first few innings without almost falling asleep. It's a little better seeing a game, but not by much. I don't know what happened.
it's really going to piss me off if there is a suit for that guy leaning over a railing

people have to start taking responsibility for their actions
FUcking tuck and roll, dont stare as the ground races towards yoru face.

heh, fucker prolly didnt let go of the ball, that's why.
Dude was obviously wasted. There will never be a ball tossed into the stands by a player again.
I fell off a 2nd story roof headfirst at a party last summer. I was drunk leaning on a fence and it caved in. People thought I was dead since I landed headfirst onto concrete but I survived with a broken orbital bone in 3 places and some internal cranial bleeding. I also shat my pants on impact. Spent five days in icu, sucked.