Ban Minstrel

He says it stands for pickup games and that it has always been called that. I contend that we in american have always called them PUs or pickups and never pugs. WTF. Fucking gay mutha fuckin newb aussies.
er.. as stupid as he is, i personally like the rule of "what happens in irc stays in irc"..


He says it stands for pickup games and that it has always been called that. I contend that we in american have always called them PUs or pickups and never pugs. WTF. Fucking gay mutha fuckin newb aussies.

He insults us because he isn't as smart as us. I mean really, PUs? Sounds like a noise a frenchie would say after a baby crapped itself and it spilled out of the nappy and went down the frenchies pants and into his shoe. At least PUG is a word.