ATTN: Retarded faggots that care way too much about politics

OK I am with you so far...

Now you lost me. It's not a vast conspiracy. Cheney convinced Bush, Bush Decided. Perhaps they sincerely thought it was "the right thing" (I think it was "The Right Thing+" and the profits to be made and political influence to be had made it more "right" than they had a right to think it was) but Bush was not capable of pulling off such a diplomatrically complex operation.

I think Bush is stupid and evil but sincere. I hate that we invaded Iraq, but maybe the neocon theorists were right and it could have been a great success if it wasn't bungled so horribly. The details were on PBS last night.

He wasn't able to admit that he wasn't the man for the job, so he took on the job anyway and fucked it up. Call that Camp 3 I guess.

you're a left leaning moderate. his question is for people like Stilgar, Orby, and |VM|
if you are offended by kuras post or think this is a "horrible thread" or "thread failure" then you definitely fall into one of the 2 camps

Or you realized he completely over-generalized both camps and it's rare that anyone falls completely into either of those definitions.

The point that he's driving at is valid but he's not going to get there with what he's saying.
I'm in camp #1. I vote the republican ticket because I don't want my taxes going up. I repeated that over and over 2 years ago, and now I'll do it again for the next few weeks.
To kids flipping burgers making an hourly wage, this doesn't matter. But to a salaried person trying to raise a family, it means a lot. And yes, I know the taxes the dems are talking about are the Capital Gains and the Inheritance, but they'll eventually roll back the federal income tax breaks as well. They want all those breaks taken away.

why don't you just have your wife fuck some more guys and get knocked up, those child support payments could offset your tax problems
Or you realized he completely over-generalized both camps and it's rare that anyone falls completely into either of those definitions.

The point that he's driving at is valid but he's not going to get there with what he's saying.

there are definitely TW posters who completely fit into one of the categories he posted.
there are definitely TW posters who completely fit into one of the categories he posted.

I know. But they are the vast minority. Essentially his argument is aimed at a handfull of guys who are more than likely just playing it up for the attention. So what's the point?
I know. But they are the vast minority. Essentially his argument is aimed at a handfull of guys who are more than likely just playing it up for the attention. So what's the point?

they are the very VOCAL minority though

you're not hearing from the guys who don't fall into those categories.
they are the very VOCAL minority though

you're not hearing from the guys who don't fall into those categories.

by vocal minority, do you mean they're the only ones stupid enough to participate in 30 page flame threads about politics?

i personally have not read single political thread since the last election

ps. seriously kura how many friends do you have?
Anyone who votes purely based on party lines is a brainless sheep, incapable of thinking for themselves and they deserve to be taxed to death, lose their right to choose, have no privacy and be sent off to die in some sand box for the oil used to make their Prius barely move.
I have the answers.

Answer 1: Bush is a devout Christian. What he does as president is God's will. It should never be questioned.

Answer 2: They don't bungle every one of their vast, diabolical conspiracies. The Ted Stevens Internet Tube Social Observation Project is one of the best-kept government secrets since Operation Edsel.
if you are offended by kuras post or think this is a "horrible thread" or "thread failure" then you definitely fall into one of the 2 camps
No, it's more about dividing everyone into two black and white categories. I think Bush is a horrible president, quite possibly in the bottom 5 in this country's history. He has done far more to harm, and put in danger, the average citizen; contrary to his "beliefs" that we are safer and better off than we were 7 years ago. I can't wait to see how this failure of a president is viewed 20 years from now.

If that makes me a conspiracy theorist, thinking Bush is set out to kill us all, go off and run with it. The undeniable truth is that Bush is a friend of big business, and not your average Joe. He has repeatedly manipulated the American people to allow himself unprecedented power, and relative immunity from the chain of controversial bills that he's passed and decisions he's made (moreso recently). It boggles my mind that some people can still support this fuckwad.
No, it's more about dividing everyone into two black and white categories. I think Bush is a horrible president, quite possibly in the bottom 5 in this country's history. He has done far more to harm, and put in danger, the average citizen; contrary to his "beliefs" that we are safer and better off than we were 7 years ago. I can't wait to see how this failure of a president is viewed 20 years from now.

If that makes me a conspiracy theorist, thinking Bush is set out to kill us all, go off and run with it. The undeniable truth is that Bush is a friend of big business, and not your average Joe. He has repeatedly manipulated the American people to allow himself unprecedented power, and relative immunity from the chain of controversial bills that he's passed and decisions he's made (moreso recently). It boggles my mind that some people can still support this fuckwad.

Wow, You just completely put yourself in Camp #2... thank you for proving my point.
by vocal minority, do you mean they're the only ones stupid enough to participate in 30 page flame threads about politics?

i personally have not read single political thread since the last election

that's what I'm saying.