[ATTN: Mac Users] New Labtop!

My laptop is poopin dust, and I need a new one.

I want to buy a Dell:
1) Because I know they work
2) Has Microsoft Office on it

I want a Mac:
1) They don't break (from what I've heard)
2) Something new

However I don't know enough about a Mac to really plop down 2Gs to get one.

i have a macbook pro from 2007. i've stepped on it a million times, dropped it countless times and spilled coffee all over the keyboard. it looks like it should considering the abuse i've put it through but it stills performs as well as it did when i got.

i think my next laptop will not be a mac. too expensive
i like the ones ive bought....keep a pc for game too, but the new macbooks handle games pretty well, so i might get rid of the pc altogether considering the video card crapped out on me a month ago
I use a Mac at work, and while it's nice, it's not worth the extra money IMHO.

I actually prefer the WIN7 interface a lot better than Mac. The Mac bottom dock is garbage.
I will be doing a lot of graphic design, in terms of drawing artwork, for my bisness. I will be doing gaming, and I also will be purchasing an iPad in the very near future.
Ok display wise the MacBook Pro has much better color display than almost any PC without stepping up to the real high end PCs which will be near the same price.

I have a 24inch iMac right now and I am ordering a new MacBook Pro next week.. I have used windows for years and while it is superior with gaming I find I can multitask much better with OSX and it never really slows down on me. Microsoft Office is available for Mac so thats not a problem for you, and Snow Leopard can connect to Exchange Servers so again not a problem for you.

Really its just if you are willing to spend the money on one. I do graphic/web dev/ photography on mine and love the environment much better than windows.

Battery life is also untouchable when comparing a PC and Mac.. 8-9hr battery on the 15inch Macbook Pro and a 10hr batter on the 13nch..

Moving over from windows to Mac took a bit of getting used to.. Took me maybe a week to adjust and now I have no problems finding my way around OSX. Most popular software out there is either available for Mac or there is a Mac replacement for a Windows program. If not you can always run Parallels and have windows running inside of OSX or you can use Bootcamp and Boot into Windows altogether.

I have Bootcamp w/ Windows 7 and sometimes I use the same image and run it in parallels if I need to do something in windows real quick (like Internet Explorer Browser testing.. FUCK IE)
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Well, thank you, I really appreciate your input. Looks like I will get myself a mac, and get my wife a pc lol.
whatever you do, DON'T buy a vaio

sony is the most garbage company for support/warranty issues i have ever dealt with

and then after a week of bullshit, they call their 'warranty' replacement, a 'courtesy' :ftard:

bunch of stupid indian outsourced fucks
Well, thank you, I really appreciate your input. Looks like I will get myself a mac, and get my wife a pc lol.
Send me a PM when you get it and I will send you something you will want to suck my dick for. Its one of the best kept secretes for software for OSX
Desktop - PC
Laptop - Mac

Its how I will always purchase. The quality of Mac laptops is far superior to any Dell, HP, etc. that Ive looked at or used. You'll be happy with a mac laptop. Honestly, even though you'll pay a bit more you'll actually feel like you got something that is worth it. The engineering quality is superb.